Find Out Exactly
Where You Are At, ANYWHERE, ANYTIME for
Thanks to the recent
launch of the new GLONASS, Global Navigation Satellite
System and some innovative new technology you can now
find your exact position anywhere in the world via any
common Internet capable terminal. This is also good for
radionavigation, automatic vehicle location (AVL), C/A
Code, differential, DGPS, navigation, vehicle tracking,
precision farming, precise timing, position-reporting,
ITS, intelligent transportation systems surveying,
geographic information systems, GIS.
Before now to use any GPS
device to find your exact position costs thousands of
dollars. Global Positioning Systems (GPS) units are more
common than ever...being used to locate fishing hotspots,
or for the location of a prime hunting area. Designed for
the indoor enthusiast, GPS services are now truly
affordable and easy to use. The benefits of satellite
navigation are now available at a price that is truly
affordable. Free!
Operator Headgap Systems
is proud to announce we are now offering this as a free
service to all our users.
For this to function
properly you must click the target below in the exact
center. Do this carefully or your position may be