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From: headgap
To: all
Subject: another Mac OS X convert
Date:Tue, June 04, 2002 06:09 PM

Late to the Party...
(online at

Well, I finally gave in to the hysteria. I'm a Java editor at O'Reilly, but
have been foraging more and more into OS X land, for a couple of reasons.

First, I'm a bluegrass player (banjo, guitar, mandolin, etc.), and always
playing with recording stuff. That got me into Macs, as all the good audio
recording software (ProTools and MOTU [Mark of the Unicorn]) runs better on
Macs. Although none of these guys are OS X-compatible yet, they forced a
nice G4 desktop to enter into my life.

Lately, though, I've been more and more intrigued by OS X and it's ability
to solve so many of Windows' inconsistencies and annoyances. I'm also
beginning to really dig into Java and OS X, both as an editor, writer, and
programmer. In fact, I'm going to try and write Volume II of my Enterprise
Java series entirely on an OS X machine, code samples and all.

So with all that history, I convinced myself to get a TiBook instead of a PC
laptop, and it arrived today... and man, I'm hooked.

Look, I have a Mac desktop, so there's nothing per-say different about the
TiBook in terms of operation or OS or anything like that... but the thing is
just so ... well ... sexy! Sleek, silver, and my wife is still oohing and
aahing over it (and she thinks computers are good for two things: solitaire
and coasters). Anything that an 8-month, 3-week pregnant woman coos over at
this point that doesn't wear diapers is a major deal, you know...

So as I 'blog this I'm throwing on the developer tools, and getting ready to
check the sources for one of my books, the upcoming NetBeans: The Definitive
Guide out, and I'm just struck by how Apple has finally done what Windows,
Unix, Solaris, Linux, and all the others have been trying to do for so long:
make you look cool to be a developer, instead of like a geek.

Instead of looking like some nerd that should have on horn-rimmed glasses, I
can code on a machine that would fit in more at an IKEA magazine booth than
an Internet cafe. And with 512 MB of RAM, I can edit Photoshop images that
are 50 MB+ without having to kill my Java processing (an XSL transformation
running under Ant) in the background; my Windows desktop (also with 512 MB)
chokes on the exact same task. So now I've got the sleek, sexy exterior with
the under-the-hood power I want.

You know what? I realize that I'm late to the party, and that I'm saying the
same things that you probably have been hearing for months; but who cares?
It's new to me ;-) And of course, that means that now there's a full-time
Java editor at O'Reilly floating around looking for more Mac books, in
addition to the upcoming (you heard it here) Java on OS X that I'm already
bringing along. So sell the cars, kids, and get yourself a TiBook. Best buy
of the year, bar none!

Brett McLaughlin has been working in computers since the Logo days.
(Remember the little triangle?) He currently specializes in building
application infrastructure using Java and Java-related technologies. He is
author of the soon-to-be-released O'Reilly book, Building Java Enterprise


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