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From: Wintermute
To: Don McHose
Subject: Re: Fruit co. ads
Date:Sat, February 28, 1998 12:02 PM

<< One problem that Apple has, is that most wintell company ads are followed by the all so typical warning signal.I'm sure that there is additional money kicked in there.I have wondered why Motorola does not do the same unless its a fear of copying an idea in use.However from what I've read I do not think that the two co. co's are on a love relationship at this time.
I suppose this is realy a vicious circle that feeds on a company trying to stop a spiraling downward path to a buy out.Were is our money best spent for a good return on investment?Intells latest move on the edu. market is a real kicker.Unfortunitly the only losers are the kids and us.What does sell and is still concidered the best in advertising is word of mouth.In the edu. market Apple has done a poor job since the introduction of ide drives and the last two years worth of models configured at the edu market.
Oh well my family and I will continue the march and wow the darkside users that visit.My answer to the question " But almost all users are useing PC's aren't they?"My answer: I believe that the population of Lemmings continue to exist and not all dive off a cliff in frustration is because the survivors are mac users and love to do pretty work in -n-out of bed ;:-)
We will survive>>

good post, Don.

Still, I think the big problems between Apple, IBM, and Motorola will eventually end in the demise of the PowerPC as a consumer-level CPU. Already there is an alarming lack of publicity for the processors, which is dissappointing Plus, rumours are that the reason Apple's not shipping the 9600/350's is due to an act of retaliation against apple from Motorola for the whole liscensing ordeal. Plus, Motorola is banning any future purchase of non-intel-based machines (wouldn't that be just great advertisement for a processor they produce: come buy the chip you'll NEVER find anybody at our company using, even though we make them!)

Thankfully, I believe Rhapsody will give Apple an outlet to Intel. As much as I hate to say it, it looks like this is inevitable (and it's a major reason why I just purchased a Dell 266Mhz Pentium II system). This is a critical time for Apple, because I perceive that there is an actual tangible amount of developer muscle which is leaving the Mac side altogether. Mostly due to heavily-biased anti-Apple reporting (especially by the Mac press).

It's disgusting


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