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From: Wintermute
To: Vincent Hong
Subject: Open Transport 1.1.1beta and OT
Date:Sat, February 28, 1998 11:59 AM

<<<I've got Open Transport 1.1.1b7 on my computer. It seems a little more stable than 1.1. I don't get as many type 11 errors anymore, now the line just drops. The line usually drops when a program such as Netscape or Anarchie accesses the disk for a few seconds when I'm downloading something. This is very annoying. Netscape will access the disk too much by simply saving graphics to cache. As long as I don't do anything disk intensive, I stay connected.>>

Hmmm....maybe this is it. Seems to me that it pretty much drops randomly. Maybe that situation makes it worse, though.

<<I've switched to Internet Explorer because it has a better caching scheme. Thus causes less unexpected line drops. Version 2.1 is actually useable in my opinion, but it is still a little slower than Netscape. It does put pages in cache very fast though. One interesting note is that the entire Internet Explorer fits on a 1.44 floppy disk when compressed.>>

You couldn't make me so much as install any product by Microsoft if my life depended on it. Using their software supports their monopolistic tirade and fuels their effort to eliminate the ONLY competition they have currently. Besides, I've had to use IE at school a couple of times, and it doesn't have any of the features I want in a browser (for the mac) java, poor frames support, quirky scrolling. Plus if you do the full install it tries to place some of those OLE extensions in your startup folder.

Microsoft intentionally allows their extensions to crash other programs, and makes APPLE program around them instead of the other way around. That's so da*n egotistical of a company to do it's sickening.

Netscape has its quirks, but they are actively supportive of multiple platforms, and don't cripple the versions available for other platforms in order to strengthen business for their OS sales. Also, unlike Microsoft, I don't expect we'll see Netscape built-into the OS of any machines anytime soon. When MS does this, Netscape will go under because, as usual, people will succumb to the hype and use MS'es cruddy piece o'crap just because its "the standard," and comes built into the system. It's just like 50% of the people out there will never try WordPerfect (which is IMHO a much better, faster, more stable word processing package), just because "hey, MicroSoft makes both Windows and Word, so Word must be the only thing that's REALLY compatible."

Try out CyberDog for a while. Once they get frames and decent speed, it'll be a great solution (I already strictly use the e-mail system for all my e-mail).

Enjoy your browser!


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