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From: Wintermute
To: Vincent Hong
Subject: Re: Mac and faster Internet?
Date:Sat, February 28, 1998 12:06 PM

<<I make it a point to know exactly what is in my System Folder. You never know what will slow down your system.>>

This is my biggest problem with my new PC so far: you have absolutely NO control over what is in your system. Every software install places 10-40 cryptic files with illogical names in various locations in the system. Consequently, it's difficult to move program folders around without screwing things up, which makes for difficult system management. PC's will NEVER approach the Mac in this regard. Everybody whines and complains about Extension conflicts, but I'll take discrete extensions over 40 .dll files all over my system any day.

As far as internet speed:
I think a lot of it has to do with the browser programming. Netscape has obviously slacked up in their Mac efforts and have released a MUCH slower product for the mac than the PC. Downloading on my Mac is FASTER than the PC (open transport is very nice), but that's for files. Web pages do take longer to view in some cases, and moving back through the cache is almost painful on the Mac compared to PC. On the other hand, Internet Explorer for the Mac is quite speedy. It feels extremely responsive on both platforms. I'd give IE a try. Also, make sure you're running Open Transport 1.2 on your Mac.

Another factor: your 6100 is a slow machine. Period. It's likely that the video card in the PC is much faster than that in your 6100 (which has dog-slow video, really), which could account for a lot of the difference. The best way to get arond this is to get a new PowerMac. A used 7500 coupled with a cheap 200 or 233mhz 604e card will give you about 4 TIMES the speed your current 6100 has. I'm not kidding. My 7500/200 is very comparable to my Dell 266Mhz Pentium II in most ways.

One thing you guys didn't mention:
Internet applications (other than Netscape) are uniformly better on the Mac. There is nothing at on on the PC which is even close to as nice to use as MT-NewsWatcher for NetNews. I personally LOVE Claris Emailer 2, and can't find anything on the PC which will allow me to use one email program to check 2 different internet email accounts. IRCLE 3.0b9 on the Mac has NO equal on the PC.

Just my .02,


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