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From: owner-evangelist-digest@public.
To: evangelist-digest@public.lists.
Subject: EvangeList Digest V1 #1157
Date:Fri, April 17, 1998 04:35 PM

EvangeList Digest Friday, April 17 1998 Volume 01 : Number 1157

In this issue:

PR - 4th Dimension (4D) - Y2K Statement
Tidbit - Musician Store
Followup - NewtCard Stack Contest Awards Announced
Tidbit - Newton Equation Editor and Source Code Released
Tidbit - Grand Forks Herald Wins Pulitzer Using Macs
Followup - Jared, Butcher of Song
PR - New Perspective SOHOMaster and MembershipMaster
Tidbit - Apples Orchard Announces Shareware Station
PR - Announcing YankPro 1.0
Followup - VirtualPC + FreeBSD Anyone?
Followup - OneClick ONLY $29.98

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Date: Wed, 15 Apr 1998 19:48:28 -0700
From: Guy Kawasaki <>
Subject: PR--RealBASIC

This announcement is from:

Geoff Perlman, <>

Contact: Geoff Perlman, 512-292-9988, <>



Easy-to-use application development software features Visual Basic and
Java compatibility

AUSTIN, TEXAS, Apr. 6th, 1998 REAL Software, Inc. today announced
REALbasic for Mac OS at an estimated retail price of $99. REALbasic is
expected to ship in May or June but a public beta is available now from
REAL Software's web site and can be downloaded free-of-charge.

REALbasic is the easy-to-use integrated development environment (IDE)
that enables users of all levels to create powerful stand-alone, native
68k and PowerPC applications quickly and easily, without having to learn
a complex programming language such as C++ or the details of the
Macintosh Toolbox. REALbasic enables users to create the entire user
interface for their applications in minutes without any programming. Its
programming language is an object-oriented version of the BASIC
programming language and is highly compatible with Microsoft's Visual
Basic. Applications created with REALbasic can also be compiled as Java
applets for use in Web pages.

REALbasic's drag and drop interface builder makes it so easy to create a
user interface that most users are testing their interface in minutes.
And because most of the interface is handled automatically, users can
focus their programming efforts on solving their problems rather than
programming the interface. REALbasic's interface builder includes
editfields, popup menus, hierarchical MacOS8-style listboxes, a QuickTime
movie player, checkboxes, radio buttons, tab panels, contextual menus,
balloon help and more. REALbasic's Interface Assistant helps users to
create an interface that follows Apple's Macintosh Human Interface
Guidelines. Applications created with REALbasic are automatically
Appearance Manager compliant allowing them to take on whatever appearance
the user has chosen if they are running the Kaleidoscope extension.

REALbasic supports Macintosh technologies such as QuickTime, QuickTime
Musical Instruments, drag and drop, and AppleScript. It also supports
HyperCard's XCMD and XFCN plug-in format allowing users to utilize the
thousands of existing plug-ins. REALbasic includes a TCP/IP control for
Internet connectivity, a serial tool for modem communications and a
sprite engine for creating animation.

REALbasic's object-oriented BASIC language supports object events,
properties, methods, classes, inheritance and polymorphism. It's also a
strongly typed language which makes applications more reliable. Memory
management is handled automatically through garbage collection and the
advanced, dynamic recompiler makes testing applications and building
stand-alone applications fast because all of the code doesn't have to be
recompiled every time. Unlike most BASIC programming environments,
REALbasic has no interpreter. Code is always running compiled even when
the user is stepping through code with the debugger. Stand-alone
applications carry a small footprint for both disk and memory usage. The
runtime engine overhead is approximate 150K of disk space and most
applications built with REALbasic will require only 1 MB of memory or

Designed for compatibility with Microsoft's Visual Basic for Windows in
mind, REALbasic's language is so similar, that many users with Visual
Basic projects can port them to the Macintosh using REALbasic with a
minimum number of changes. Later this year, REAL Software will be adding
a Visual Basic importer to REALbasic which will import Visual Basic
projects including menus, forms and code to make porting Visual Basic
projects even easier.

The beta release is available for download now, free-of-charge, from REAL
Software's web site at <>. REALbasic will be
commerically available in May or June directly from REAL Software for
$99.95. Users of competitive application development software may be
eligible for a rebate with proof of ownership and purchase. Academic
pricing is also available. REALbasic can be ordered directly from REAL
Software's web site at <> or by phone at
512-292-9988; fax 512-292-6670; <>;

REALbasic requires a Macintosh, Power Macintosh, or compatible computer
with a 68020 processor or higher; 2.5 MB RAM; System 7.1 or later; and 10
MB of free hard disk space for full installation of the software,
documentation and examples. REALbasic will ship on CD-ROM format,
requiring a CD-ROM drive and can also be downloaded from REAL Software's
web site. REAL Software offers disk fulfillment for an additional charge.

Founded in 1996 by Geoff Perlman former ACI US Manager, REAL Software,
Inc. is the publisher of REALbasic, with headquarters in Austin, Texas.
For more information, visit the REAL Software web site at

___________________ is coming! We start up startups.
Sign up for info at <>!


Date: Thu, 16 Apr 1998 02:10:27 -0000
From: EvangeList <>
Subject: PR - 4th Dimension (4D) - Y2K Statement

This announcement is from:

Jim Staples, <>

Amidst the growing concern by companies to comply with the year 2000
issue, ACI's 4th Dimension RDBMS software (4D) provides a simple method
to store, display, and calculate all dates between 1/1/100 and
12/31/32000. Being sensitive to long-term consequences, ACI engineered 4D
to manage the year 2000(Y2K). This commitment to address Y2K concerns was
demonstrated in the debut, version 1, release of 4D in 1985. Most modern,
personal computer software, such as 4D, use four or more digits to handle
years. In addition, they use date arithmetic to deal with dates before
and after December 31, 1999.

In Summary
- ----------------
4D offers a powerful and flexible mechanism for date entry and control.
In order to preserve this flexibility the 4D database developer has entry
and display filters to force entry of dates in a specified fashion.
Additionally, 4D V6 introduced a new a new programmatic control with the
use of the SET DEFAULT CENTURY command. ACI understands the importance of
issues surrounding the year 2000 and engineered this into their products
over a decade ago.

Additional Information
- --------------------------------
For additional, more descriptive information about 4D and Y2K compliancy,
visit our website at:



Date: Thu, 16 Apr 1998 02:11:31 -0000
From: EvangeList <>
Subject: Tidbit - Musician Store

This tidbit is from:

Kent Cabreira, <>

Just stumbled across a cool online musician's store. They have a huge
selection of everything you can think of. What's even cooler is their
selection of software - and they have tons for the Mac!

Using their search engine I selected Mac as the platform to see what it
came up with. Out of a total of 278 pieces of software, 145 were for the
Mac [or hybrid - but if the SPA won't count hybrids for the Mac, I won't
for this].

We all knew the Mac dominated the music profession. Here's just more



Date: Thu, 16 Apr 1998 02:11:22 -0000
From: EvangeList <>
Subject: Followup - NewtCard Stack Contest Awards Announced

Keyword: Newton

This follow-up message is from:

nsbasic, <>

NS BASIC Corporation is pleased to announce the winners of the NewtCard
Stack Design Contest:

Business Division: "Bibliography" by Chris Christian

Education Division: "Fractabulous!" by Michael South

Wide Open Division: "San Francisco Map" by Peter Belanger

NS BASIC Corporation extends its congratulations to each of the winners:
a check for $100.00 is on its way to each of them. Of course, the real
winners are all the users of NewtCard. Besides showing what NewtCard is
really capable of, the contest resulted in a number of enhancements and
improvements to the NewtCard product.

"The contest really showed how effective NewtCard is in rapidly producing
great stacks that are truely useful," said George Henne, President of NS
BASIC. "We were amazed at the quality and features of the entries."

"The great thing about Newtcard is that it lets non programmers like
myself give back to the Newton community," said Peter Belanger, one of
the winners.

Complete details and comments by the authors as well as the winning
stacks are available at the NS BASIC web site:

NewtCard is a hypercard-like multimedia authoring tool for the MessagePad
and eMate. It has been awarded 5 Geckos by Gecko Magazine, "Best on the
Planet" by Planet Newton, "Ten out of Ten" by Newton Underground, and
Mobile Computing's First Class Award.

It is available for $99.95 directly from the company or from its dealers.

Contact Information: George Henne
tel: 1 888 NSBASIC or 1 416 264-5999 fax: 416 264-5888 <>

George Henne NS BASIC Corporation NewtCard and NS BASIC for the
MessagePad and eMate!

<> Orders: 416 264-5999 Fax: 416 264-5888


Date: Thu, 16 Apr 1998 02:10:59 -0000
From: EvangeList <>
Subject: Tidbit - Newton Equation Editor and Source Code Released

Keyword: Newton

This tidbit is from:

Sine of the Times, <>

Sine of the Times has decided to release its preliminary equation-entry
system, Formula, and related source code free of cost to the Newton

Ashish Mishra, developer of Formula commented on the release: "The basis
of our business is education, and for that reason, we want to help
academic users of the Newton. We feel that the lack of an equation-entry
system for the Newton has limited its potential in the educational

We began writing Formula last year - and after the package being dormant
for the last 2 months, we have decided to release the package and all
associated source code free, in hopes that enthusiastic Newton users will
develop the application into a more useful tool for the Newton, expanding
the potential uses for the Newton platform.

"Formula is the only Newton equation-entry system currently available. It
supports the entry of symbols such as integrals, summations,
superscripts, subscripts, and much more. Featuring a drag-and-drop
interface, users can build basic equations quickly and easily, and
incorporate them into Newton Notes, Works, or any other package that
accepts graphic input.

The package & source code for Formula are available on the Sine of the
Times web site at:



Date: Thu, 16 Apr 1998 02:10:16 -0000
From: EvangeList <>
Subject: Tidbit - Grand Forks Herald Wins Pulitzer Using Macs

Keyword: Advocacy, Macintosh in Action

This tidbit is from:

FWC, <>

Perhaps you saw the episode of ABC's Nightline last night or elsewhere in
the news about the small North Dakota newspaper, the 118-year-old Grand
Forks Herald winning the Pulitzer Prize for public service.

It was the "great flood" of last spring that slowly overwhelmed the
town's dikes and sandbags, pouring into the historic downtown area. The
newspaper's offices and pressroom were among those devastated, first by
the rising waters and later by a fire that destroyed them along with ten
other buildings. Everything was destroyed, including the paper's clip
file and all their photos.

Realizing that those in their town needed to know what was happening,
half of the Herald's staff of 52 met to continue publishing. These
reporters, photographers, and editors were working without homes or
knowing about their homes. They took over classrooms in the local school
and using the school's computers, hammered out the first editions
following the flood. Layouts were transmitted to St. Paul for printing.
Volunteer drivers delivered 120,000 copies daily over the following days
to the now dispersed, evacuated citizens of Grand Forks. All copies were
free. They never missed a daily issue. The computers and the software
were, of course, Macintosh.

Video shot during the flood showed reporters using all-in-one Performa
500 series Macs while seated on little school chairs. They got the job
done. The Herald is now building new offices while working out of
temporary space in an abandoned department store. The computers they are
now using are still Macintosh. Think Defiant!

Free Chin


Date: Thu, 16 Apr 1998 02:11:18 -0000
From: EvangeList <>
Subject: Followup - Jared, Butcher of Song

This follow-up message is from:

Wayne Muromoto, <>

I just read the comment that Jared is going to be used for a Blockbuster
ad campaign. Funny thing, that odd little program. As a joke, I stuck it
on my friend's (then) new Power Computing 200 MHZ computer at the office
which he shared with my wife, to boot up and play as soon as he turned it
on. My friend turned on his Mac, heard the awful wailing, and cursed,
"What the....!" thinking it was a virus. Then he listened, laughed and
thought it was hilarious. So hilarious that he took it home and put it on
his home Mac.

His wife is an architect who works in Windows. She saw it and thought it
was a riot, and told him that for the first time, she had "Mac envy." All
because she wishes she had something as bizarre as Jared on her Windows
Digital Guy Sez:

I admit it...I occaisionally launch it and am mesmerized by the sheer
awfulness of it. Why do people insist on watching videos of accidents and
disasters? One possibility: They're trying to decide if it's really as
bad as it looks. The same goes with auto accidents. In Jareds case I
think those of us who are fascinated are really trying to decide if
anyone could really be that bad a singer. :-)

Which brings to mind this: We often talk about how useful the Mac is,
with perhaps the most impressive stock of shareware and freeware in
existence. It has also been the platform of choice of some of the most
BIZARRE software as well. Remember Neko? MacPuke? Oh, and there was that
one bit of software I was particularly fond of, that simulated gunshots
through the screen when you pressed a key combo and clicked the
mouse...Shotz, I think. It was a great stress reducer during my tech
support days. :-)


Date: Thu, 16 Apr 1998 02:11:13 -0000
From: EvangeList <>
Subject: PR - New Perspective SOHOMaster and MembershipMaster

Keyword: Market by market, Small Business

This announcement is from:

Susan A. Silberisen, <>

New Perspective Software, Inc. is pleased to announce the reincarnation
of it's SOHOMaster and MembershipMaster software. Our domain is back up
at and our exclusive distributor, One-On-One is
handling the sale, support and upgrades of our products. SOHOMaster, the
new business brain for all your purchasing, invoicing, inventory
updating, shipping and contact management needs is priced at $99.00
(Single-User) and MembershipMaster, the integrated database system that
gets non-profit organizations organized is also listed at $99.00.


Date: Thu, 16 Apr 1998 02:11:35 -0000
From: EvangeList <>
Subject: Tidbit - Apples Orchard Announces Shareware Station

This tidbit is from:

Apple's Orchard, <>

EnigmaNETs Apples Orchard today announces the Shareware Station. It is a
website that aids you in searching for the best shareware on numerous
servers. It takes only seconds to load, and you'll never need to visit
each site, one at a time, to get what you are looking for.

EnigmaNETWORK provides you with all-in-one searches, Apples Orchard, the
best Mac site on the Net, top-of-the-line shareware, and website
authoring services coming soon. You can access it at:


Apples Orchard gives you the latest Mac news from over 20 different
sources, an Index fund based on the Mac market called APEX, up to %30
percent off books at the AO Bookshop, shareware, and links.


Date: Thu, 16 Apr 1998 02:10:34 -0000
From: EvangeList <>
Subject: PR - Announcing YankPro 1.0

This announcement is from:

Maui Software, <>

Introducing YankPro from Maui Software.

YankPro is a $29 Mac commercial application that does six things:

- -- Uninstalls an application and related files. You installed SurfRider
on your hard disk years ago, but you never use it? Now you can uninstall
SurfRider and all SurfRider related files.

- -- Searches for duplicate applications. How many copies of SimpleText do
you really need?

- -- Searches the System Preferences folder for orphaned files. Almost
every program you ever run creates a preference file, including those
shareware programs you tried years ago just one time.

- -- Slims Fat Applications. Many applications contain two sets of code so
they can run in native mode on both PowerMacs and older 68K Macs. Now you
can reduce the size of most fat applications by up to 30%.

- -- Remove unnecessary Apple Guide files. You probably already know how to
use your applications, so there is no need to clutter up your hard disk
with all those unwanted help files.

- -- Searches for orphaned alias files. An alias file is a file that points
to another file. If somehow the alias loses track of which file it points
to, it becomes an orphaned alias.

For more information visit


or send email to <>.


Date: Thu, 16 Apr 1998 02:10:22 -0000
From: EvangeList <>
Subject: Followup - VirtualPC + FreeBSD Anyone?

This follow-up message is from:

Chris Gordon, <>

I've discovered one way around it: in VPC CD-ROM settings, turn off
"Standard IDE Setting". Then both the C: hard drive image and CDROM drive
will appear on the primary channel:

Unit 0 will be the hard drive Unit 1 will be the CDROM drive

Unfortunately, you get a similar problem in that you can't have a D:
drive (now the secondary channel isn't recognized).


Date: Thu, 16 Apr 1998 02:11:06 -0000
From: EvangeList <>
Subject: Followup - OneClick ONLY $29.98

This follow-up message is from:

John Oberrick, <>

Evangelistas. Don't miss out on our recent offer on OneClick, the
top-rated, award-winning, macro/shortcut utility. Save time and work

Get OneClick for only $29.98! You won't find a lower price and as always,
WestCode guarantees your satisfaction with a NO RISK, 60-day money back

Steve Wozniak, Apple Co-founder says, "I am amazed and fascinated with
OneClick... I recommend it to any Mac user."

MacUser magazine says: "OneClick is one of the most powerful and
remarkable utilities we've seen in the last couple of years." **Rated



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End of EvangeList Digest V1 #1157


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