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From: Ladd Van Tol
To: Vincent Hong
Subject: Re: Windows 95 story
Date:Sat, February 28, 1998 12:01 PM

I like the use of the right mouse button on Windows 95 systems. All the neat stuff it does makes me wish the Mac had a right mouse button.

Just get a TurboMouse..... Really! I love my TurboMouse. Absolutely the best input device available. I haven't tried the new 5.0 version yet, but the 4.0 is quite nice.

Some Windows 95 systems have extra extensions in the Plus package. One of the most notable features is that it allows you to drag solid windows, instead of just outlines. This feature is slow, very slow. It's about as fast as PowerWindows when doing translucent windows, except Windows 95 can't have translucent window dragging.

Just tried this today on the NT systems at school. I was using a Pentium/90, and it was slow as a hog. It was leaving window outlines all over the screen, and then cleaning them up later.

There's a lot of other little things I don't like about Windows 95, but overall it's a much better improvement over Windows 3.11.

Welllllll...... Probably, but it's still WAY too crocky. And the stability is not at all good. And the hardware recognition sucks majorly.

NT is more stable, but it's still crocky. Anything having to do with networks, or printing, will make you batty inside of 10 minutes.

I haven't tried NT 4.0 yet, but I suspect it's pretty lame.


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