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From: Wintermute
To: Vincent Hong
Subject: Re: reply
Date:Sat, February 28, 1998 12:00 PM

Vince wrote:
<<<On a completely off subject, one of the reasons I didn't get a PowerCenter 120 is because it is based on the 7200 motherboard design. It also costs much more. I got my PowerMac 7200 for a good $979. You've also mentioned RAM prices, I bought RAM for $200 + $7 shipping/handling. I bought my RAM after I got my PowerMac, in that 3 day span of time RAM prices dropped a $30. So I'm guessing that you can get RAM now for under $200.

After using my PowerMac a few days, I wish it could be faster at some tasks. Luckily, it is fast enough for now, and hopefully for a few year when I upgrade my Mac to a PPCP machine.>>>

Does the PowerCenter series NOT support an upgradeable processor card slot, then? I guess I assumed that since their first machines did, that these would too....

Also, in regards to things you wish your Mac would do you feel like the interface is awefully sluggish, relative to the speed of the machine? I know Aaron probably doesn't help, but even without it, there are occasional pauses for no apparent reason (even w/o any HD activity). This is the MAIN thing I'm looking forward to in Copland....completely native file system! Maybe the interface upgrade in the new update coming late this year will speed up the interface a bit too...



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