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From: Wintermute
To: in2macz
Subject: Re: VMUGM meeting
Date:Sat, February 28, 1998 12:09 PM

<<Don't forget next Sunday, February 9th,1997 at 1:00 p.m. in the afternoon is the next VMUGM meeting at my house. A map in Pic format is attached to this message with directions to my house. If you come please bring a refreshment or some chip and dip of some type for all to share. Since the time is after lunch snacks should be just fine. If not we can all pitch in for some pizza's : ) Be sure and let me know if you are bringing your machine or not. I kinda want to get an idea of how many Mac's we will have so I can figure out where to set them up. Just incase we have a bunch! We had a really good time last meeting and expect this one to be as much fun or more so. I am going to try to get a table but don't know how successful I will be. If not we will set them up in my kitchen area again.>>

I should be able to make it according to my schedule.

Anybody want to try to do the WarCraft II thing again? I could give a tip session and then we could all play a game. Last time it was a lotta fun. (I don't even wanna think about bolo vs. Ladd, though! pwhew what a blow-out...)

I hope Ladd will be able to come and show us BeOS! That would be COOL. Do we have any new software to demo?

Daryl, Where's the review of Quick-Keys? *grin* I would like a review of its features and how easy it is to use.



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