The contents of /applecore/meeting%20files/february_meeting/ at 04/26/24 09:52:54

name size modified
Acrobat Reader 3.01.sea 4841 Kb Jan 02, 1998 08:19 PM
badday.mpg 5021 Kb Feb 16, 1999 11:51 PM
Guy having a bad day. Obviously a PC user since they are the only machines that can cause one to rise to this level of frustration. Over 5 meg. Make sure you have a good connection before downloading. Probably worth the wait. Mac users can use Movieplayer to play.
f1040.pdf 55 Kb Feb 14, 1999 04:44 PM
Tax Form 1040 in PDF format
f1040ez.pdf 57 Kb Feb 14, 1999 04:43 PM
Tax Form 1040EZ in PDF format
IRS-FTP-index.txt 146 Kb Feb 14, 1999 04:43 PM
Index for the IRS FTP Site. In text format. Must be downloaded to read due to file size. 906 Kb Jan 07, 1999 01:19 PM
Hal 9000 visits with Dave about the Y2K problem.
