History of

user group
(yoo'zer groop)
September of 1979, when AppleCore of Memphis was formed,
"user group" was still a pretty new concept. What the
members of this fledgling group (guys like Don Durham,
Rich Jordan, Tim Jordan, Bill Lagrone, Bob Milburn, Carl
Mims, Hugh Penn, Steve Romeo, Dave Rosenberg, John
Sorrell, Tim Traylor and Jim Walton) were using were the
early products of two guys from California named Steve.
What emerged from a now-legendary Silicon Valley garage
was the Apple I (a computer concept twice unsuccessfully
pitched to Hewlett Packard brass in 1975 by then HP
Engineer Steve Wozniak), followed not long after by the
Apple II (a computer that made it out of computer hobby
lore and into computer marketing history).
It was
this computer, the Apple II, that brought together a
dozen or so pioneers (including those mentioned above) in
Memphis, Tennessee. "The user group consisted of several
computer gurus, who helped the rest of us. We learned
from others' experiences and mistakes." So recalled Steve
Romeo, AppleCore's first president, in a recent
interview. His vice president, Bill Lagrone, had a
similar memory of the early days. "There was very little
software available and what was available was on cassette
tapes that were very hard to use. We met to exchange
ideas and to help each other (this is still the main
purpose of clubs now). Very few of us knew anything about
the Apple II computer because it was new."
common theme of pilgrims on the quest for knowledge, fun,
and the ultimate in whiz-bang gadgetry was echoed by
another pioneer, Steve Wozniak, co-founder of Apple
Computer as he recalled his own early involvement in a
computer club. "Without computer clubs there would
probably be no Apple computers. Our club in the Silicon
Valley, the Homebrew Computer Club, was among the first
of its kind. It was in early 1975, and a lot of tech-type
people would gather and trade integrated circuits back
and forth. You could have called it Chips and Dips. We
had similar interests and we were there to help other
people, but we weren't official and we weren't formal.
Our leader, Lee Felsenstein, who later designed the
Osborne computer, would get up at every meeting and
announce the convening of 'the Homebrew Computer Club
which does not exist' and everyone would applaud
was the spirit of the early days; back in olden times;
waaaaay back then; just after the earth cooled; yep,
really a long, long time ago. (Isn't it amazing how we
early personal computer adopters speak of the "old days"
as if it were us and guys like Thomas Edison out there on
the edge, trying new stuff, innovating, changing the
world? But for a technology and surrounding industries
that have moved as fast as that of personal computing,
it's not hard to see why we feel like those were the
stone ages and we, the hearty few, survived it all.
[end of editorial observation])
wasn't just the pioneering spirit or the search for
sacred Apple knowledge that brought the early AppleCore
members together. Fun and establishing relationships with
those of like interests were incentives too. And fun they
had. After an initial organizational meeting in the
office of the Memphis Jaycees on Union Avenue, the very
first official meeting was held at the Holiday Inn
Rivermont with about thirty people in attendance. Recalls
Steve Romeo, "It was a dinner buffet and on the honor
system...we lost money." Okay, so there was little honor,
but lots of fun.
looking back on the early meetings of the group (those
after the now infamous honor system buffet incident) we
see both similarities and striking differences in
comparing the meetings of today's AppleCore. Back then,
since there was so little software available for the
Apple, members spent much of their meeting time finding,
getting and programming software for their computers.
Yes, programming. Again, Bill Lagrone. "The meetings were
mostly Q and A with demonstrations about how the computer
operated. We first all started writing sub-routines in
BASIC to make the machine do different things and
exchanged them at the club meetings." And according to
Steve Romeo, "Most of the contributed programs for the
disk of the month were typed in out of magazines
(Kilobaud, Micro, Call Apple, etc.)." [Editor's note:
The ritual that Mr. Romeo refers to was that of early
personal computer users literally keying in the
hexadecimal codes that make up computer programs from
early computer hobbyist magazines. It went something like
this: eager computer user goes to magazine rack; flips
pages of computer magazines; says "Ooooh, yeah, I'd like
to have that program that plays Beethoven's Fifth
Symphony on my computer in simple, monophonic tones!";
buys magazine; takes magazine home; makes pot of coffee;
opens magazine; begins typing in eight 8 1/2 by 11 inch
pages full of row after row of groups of numbers zero
through nine and the letters a through f in about a 9
point Courier typeface; after three hours, spills coffee
on magazine; curses; finishes typing in the program two
and a half days later; prays; types in the command to
execute the program; witnesses a computer lock-up or
worse; curses (this was before the days of entry programs
that actually checked what was typed in to see if it was
a plausible sequence of codes). Actually, there were some
very worthwhile and valuable programs that could be
obtained through this painful method but folks, this one
clearly comes under the heading of been there, done that,
glad it's over.] In today's meetings, there is far
less talk of how to program our Apple IIs and Macintoshes
and more of how to use the wealth of commercial,
shareware, and even freeware programs available.
what stays the same is the spirit of helping others.
Then, as now, AppleCore members met together to ask
questions of one another, explore sticky problems, share
success stories, and discover and re-discover the
machines that helped them work, play and learn. With
discovery comes excitement and user groups have
traditionally been, and continue to be, places of
excitement. Take this example as told by Steve Romeo. "I
remember when the first Disk lls came out, with a four
page typed manual that failed to reveal that you could
save anything other than programs. Tim Jordan was sitting
on the floor of ComputerLab (yes, on the floor; there was
no display furniture or desks in the store (sorry Jim)).
He was so excited because he had discovered that the disk
drive could access random access records, something that
Apple had failed to reveal! This revelation led to the
creation of his database program, A.l.M. (Apple
Information Manager). This program, written in BASIC, was
the basis for most of the user group members learning to
modify and/or program in BASIC." And then, as now, the
sharing of learnings such as this was accompanied with a
beverage in one hand and a slice in the other. Bill
Lagrone. "A group of us met on Saturday at Computer Lab
to see if anything new was available and then we would go
to the pizza place for lunch to discuss what we had
learned that week. (Still go to the pizza place but
ComputerLab is no longer open on Saturday)."
then, the fifteen to twenty or so regulars who came from
the membership base of around forty attended meetings and
other club events that gave them substantial value for
their $5 membership fee. An interesting historical note
is that the $5 was naively set as a lifetime membership
fee based on the belief that "disk of the month" sales
would pay for all the group's expenses (unfortunately,
diskettes weren't as cheap then as they are now and it
was a matter of profit and loss-mostly loss-that forced a
change). It was only a matter of time before the group
instituted annual dues.
those were the days when one could be elected newsletter
editor based soleiy on the fact that he or she was the
only member who owned a daisywheel printer. Tim Jordan
knows; it happened to him.
things change. The group has grown to one hundred forty
in number (ninety-five of which are members of the
group's BBS-Bulletin Board System-through which they
realize the benefits of electronic mail and messaging,
uploading and downloading of public domain, shareware and
freeware programs and files, and generally lively
electronic conversation), dues have gone up (hey, hasn't
everything in the last fourteen years?) and many of the
present members have entered as Macintosh users or have
switched to the Mac while reserving a warm spot for their
favorite among the variety of Apple II models that
started so many in computing.
things stay the same. AppleCore's relatively small size
when compared to some other metropolitan user groups
allows for the same kind of intimacy and learning enjoyed
by the AppleCore trailblazers.
the days when $2,800 could buy you an Apple II system
with 16K of memory, a cassette tape drive and a nine inch
monitor to today when roughly the same money can buy you
a Macintosh Centris 610 with 8 megabytes of memory, a 1.4
megabyte floppy disk drive, a 230 megabyte hard disk and
a sixteen inch color monitor (ask Bill Lagrone, he knows
the dollars, the cents, the laughter and the pain of this
particular comparison), user groups have maintained a
lasting spot on the computing landscape.
Why not
find out for yourself what all the excitement has been
about for the last fourteen years? Come to AppleCore of
Memphis and be a player in the next chapter of the bold
and rewarding work of the computer user group.
to Bill Lagrone, Steve Romeo and Jerry Rhodes whose
comments and input helped me tell this story. I am
appreciative also to Steve Ditlea who edited a work
entitled "Digital Deli: The comprehensive, user-lovable
menu of computer lore, culture, lifestyles and fancy"
published in 1984 by Workman Publishing Company, Inc.
From the pages of this excellent work, I lifted Woz's
comments on computer clubs. My personal thanks too, go to
the friends that I've made over the past several years at
AppleCore and for making my computing experience more fun
and more rewarding.
the Author
Parish is the author of the History of AppleCore. Keith
has been a Mac user since 1984 and an AppleCore member
since 1991. He uses a variety of Macintosh computers at
home, at work, and on the road and enjoys using them to
pursue his love of writing and to promote learning at
home with his wife and two young daughters. Keith's work
involves understanding and using the principles of
systems dynamics and action sciences in order to promote
organizational learning in the large company in which he
works. He is a musician and an author in search of
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