---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Text of TeleFinder Chat from Tuesday, March 31, 1998 11 AM PST. In attendance: From Spider Island: Rusty Tucker Sysops: Andy Daws, Michael Davidson, mikael fredriksson, Bill Gram-Reefer, Ken Sutherland, Daryl Hansen, Daniel O'Leary ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rusty Tucker: HI! Andy Daws: Greetings All mikael fredriksson: hi! Rusty Tucker: Does anyone have insight into the corrupt ZMODEM problem? mikael fredriksson: no Rusty Tucker: Have you seen it on your system Mikael? Andy Daws: No but we have experienced some problems mikael fredriksson: No Rusty Tucker: What kind of problem Andy? Michael Davidson: <> Michael Davidson: hola! Andy Daws: Suddenly we see an increase in the number of retries over ISDN Rusty Tucker: Hi MD Michael Davidson: Hello Rusty Tucker: What version of TeleFinder are you using? Michael Davidson: Of host? Andy Daws: I have yet to determine if they are using Z or background also the version at PA Andy Daws: I'll connect tomorrow and find out Rusty Tucker: The ZMODEM problem is reportedly on the most recent betas only. (was talking to Andy ) Bill Gram-Reefer: <> Rusty Tucker: Hi Bill Bill Gram-Reefer: yahde yahdee yahde Andy Daws: Yes I know but i wonder if the problem is with tf/user Andy Daws: As we are using 5.7 to connect to PA Michael Davidson: I'll be right back. Rusty Tucker: I'd expect high re-transmit levels to be a different problem. Rusty Tucker: Probably hardware, but maybe not. Andy Daws: Ok could be I'll keep an eye on it and try older versions etc Andy Daws: Don't usually get probs in the UK with ISDN Rusty Tucker: Only Zmodem reports retransmits. Andy Daws: All Fiber it mostly all or nothing Rusty Tucker: If there are connection problems, the BBS Activity log should show Re-transmits in the protocol stats at the end of the call. Andy Daws: Have you got you're Netopia Yet Michael Davidson: Did you go with Farallon Rusty? Rusty Tucker: Yes, my Internet link is run with a Netopia Andy Daws: Are you pleased we are Rusty Tucker: It seems to work well, and its easy to use. Andy Daws: Yes very fast setup good compression etc Rusty Tucker: AD - are you talking straight ISDN, or Internet ISDN regarding retransmits? Andy Daws: Straight ISDN Rusty Tucker: OK - Internet re-transmits are usually the result of long net lags. Andy Daws: Four-Sight ISDN Tool Ken Sutherland: <> Andy Daws: Hi Ken Daryl Hansen: Aloha Ken! Rusty Tucker: You shouldn't get any re-transmits on that setup Andy Daniel O'Leary: <> Andy Daws: Precisely Michael Davidson: Rusty, are you using your bot? Daniel O'Leary: i made it. Ken Sutherland: so someone is here then Daniel O'Leary: I am Bot-less.. Ken Sutherland: Hiya all Andy Daws: Is it possible to configure packet size etc like First Class Yuk Ken Sutherland: Rusty what is your local time? Michael Davidson: Ken S., around 11 AM Ken Sutherland: Dan we always knew that Ken Sutherland: ahh, bugger Daniel O'Leary: 13:13 here. Ken Sutherland: the uk time went forward at the weekend Daniel O'Leary: my clock is synced to the navy atomic. Daryl Hansen: KS, does the new Mail PI beta2 fix some of the crashes? Ken Sutherland: instead of 7.12 its 8.12 Michael Davidson: why Ken S.? Rusty Tucker: 11:17 here Michael Davidson: Rusty, are you using your bot? mikael fredriksson: We started daylight saving time here in Europe last weekend Rusty Tucker: AD- no need to config packets Michael Davidson: Rusty doesn't use Vyrema! :) Daryl Hansen: That sounds like a personal question. Michael Davidson: :) Daniel O'Leary: Ok What is the topic today. Rusty Tucker: no bot today. i tried to start it, and it complained about something Daniel O'Leary: You guys shamed me into finishing my ANUS (grin) Andy Daws: No but I wonder if there is a negotiation problem between different card manufacturer I know that why FC put it in Michael Davidson: I was wondering because my user enters chat isn't working Ken Sutherland: don't talk about your bum Daryl Hansen: Ken S., does the new Mail PI b2 fix some of the crashes? Rusty Tucker: I don't follow you Andy. Andy Daws: I had a problem using FC client talking from a SCii card to a planet but reducing the Packet size fixed the problem Andy Daws: I could connect but no transfers or bad transfers Rusty Tucker: The connection tools have a buffering options sometimes, is that what you mean? Andy Daws: Not buffering Daryl Hansen: JP said the new Mail PI update b2 should fix many of the crashes, but I did not see a mention of it in the Readme. Daniel O'Leary: Have you seen any problems with TF under similar conditions Andy? Daryl Hansen: Should I update to b2? Ken Sutherland: minor changes wont be logged Rusty Tucker: The packet sized used by a file transfer protocol should be transparent to the device. It's just a never ending stream of bytes to the ISDN or Modem. Daniel O'Leary: Does FC use the comm toolbox. Andy Daws: Perhaps the change is in there Transfer protocol packet size as there use there own. What size does Background and Zmodem use Andy Daws: Yes I have seen some problems Daniel Andy Daws: But I am not sure if the related to the problem we are experiencing Rusty Tucker: AD - I guarantee it's totally unrelated. Rusty Tucker: The ZM packet sized have not changed in years. Daniel O'Leary: Gee Rusty, maybe you can now send them fast enough to overflow??? Andy Daws: Ok Rusty Tucker: AD - send me part of the activity log that shows the re-transmits. That's the best way to start. Daniel O'Leary: I guess there are no comments on my add new user script.... I read the last chat log and was shamed into kicking that out by you guys. Rusty Tucker: :) Rusty Tucker: I didn't try it yet here. Michael Davidson: :) Andy Daws: I will have to talk to PA which will be difficult even with shares in the company Michael Davidson: I just dloaded it Daniel; I'll take a look at it later! Daniel O'Leary: It does not over-write anything existing and will do sub folders etc, anything you put in the template. Rusty Tucker: You're just sending to PA? Daryl Hansen: Rusty, Is it possible for Macsbugs to make my server less stable? Andy Daws: Yes I am but mostly downloading Michael Davidson: Did you see the "bug" that Rusty mentioned in the last chat, Daniel? Andy Daws: Shall we move on until I can get more info Michael Davidson: Be careful, since any change to a user sends the AppleEvent of newuser Daniel O'Leary: I have not yet figured out how to concatenate files together. When I do then the script will even put in user names in all the customized files. Rusty Tucker: Daryl, yes and no. Daniel O'Leary: MD that is why I did things the way I did. Daryl Hansen: I was afraid you would say that. Daniel O'Leary: I saw it before it was reported. Rusty Tucker: It won't cause crashes that aren't already there. Michael Davidson: You say it doesn't overwrite, so you might be okay, but some users may complain if new "template" files appear in their pub folder Daniel O'Leary: Let them complain. Rusty Tucker: Macsbug will pop-up on items that might be dormant with out it installed though. Daniel O'Leary: They get a fresh look at all your new rules etc. Bill Gram-Reefer: can i use newset UM without using newuser process? Michael Davidson: :) Ken Sutherland: anyone need a file transfer logging facility that allows you to create updated SPML pages? Daniel O'Leary: BGR just move the script out of the UM folder. Daryl Hansen: Okay, thanks Rusty. Bill Gram-Reefer: yippee Michael Davidson: concatenate? like put the users name in the right place in a user profile? Daniel O'Leary: I would rather have a de-activate button, but!!!! Daniel O'Leary: EXACTLY MD. Michael Davidson: That shouldn't be too difficult Daniel O'Leary: And in the web page prototype. Daniel O'Leary: in ALL files in the template. Rusty Tucker: Daryl, specifically here is code in the Beta versions that break into Macsbug, when something BAD is about to happen. That is before actual damage is done. Daniel O'Leary: Wish the mac supported SED and AWK... grin. Rusty Tucker: In non-beta code, the BAD thing would just happen, and not crash the system until later. Andy Daws: Rusty have you any examples of Plug-Ins that talk to components other than UM Rusty Tucker: No sample code, but you can send an AppleEvent to anything from a plug-in. Daniel O'Leary: I have seen Macsbug claim to have caused the exception... but I still think it is a victim. Rusty Tucker: Yes DO, that is exactly true. Daniel O'Leary: Rusty, we need a current list of supported events. Daryl Hansen: I see. That makes sense. Rusty Tucker: check out the AETE resources Daniel O'Leary: Am still learning this script thing, and it is distracting me from my Java Junket. Michael Davidson: are all the files in the template of type TEXT Daniel? Daniel O'Leary: Yes, MD. Daryl Hansen: Ken, Should I update to Mail PI b2? Daniel O'Leary: Some are created with TF/User, and others with BBEdit... should make no difference if you don't care about the TF/user appearance. Michael Davidson: And you only want to put the user name in a finite # of places in each file? Ken Sutherland: Daryl , pleas do Michael Davidson: that won't matter about different creators Daryl Hansen: Thanks. Daryl Hansen: I will today. Rusty Tucker: Dh - the read me says it fixes the problem we were seeing on your server. I don't see mention of the "attachment" bug that Mikael has reported. Daniel O'Leary: MD - the number of replacements should be a variable. Daryl Hansen: COOL! Michael Davidson: how bout all occurrences of "Username" Daniel O'Leary: it allows the content creator to exercise their customization. Ken Sutherland: we are still working on the wee bug Ken Sutherland: er Daniel O'Leary: Right there are some others but they are secondary to $USER_NAME. Rusty Tucker: KS - you mean the attachment bug? Ken Sutherland: yup Daryl Hansen: Some Users have complained that they can't get to their attachments anymore, but for now, I don't care. Daniel O'Leary: I deliberately made that stand out so that we can find it and identify it. Daniel O'Leary: to change it later. Ken Sutherland: just tried to get jon on phone but no answer, will post in tf utils as soon as we have a fix Daryl Hansen: Bandwidth is expensive here :) Daryl Hansen:

Ken Sutherland: try the UK mate Daryl Hansen: What is the WEE bug? Michael Davidson: ok, are you using any osax Daniel? Ken Sutherland: MK found a file attachment problem Rusty Tucker: I think you can work around the attachment bug by making the user mail box TF format instead of POP3, is that right Mikael? Ken Sutherland: md, sorry Daniel O'Leary: MD, I did try OSAX once, before TF had a web server. Daryl Hansen: I guess that's why I haven't found the wee bug. All account are TF. Daniel O'Leary: I have not tried it lately. Daniel O'Leary: My account is POP3 and when I do get access I can try it. Andy Daws: Did we ever arrive at a conclusion as to the cause of Digital sigs not working Rusty Tucker: Mikael must be logging. mikael fredriksson: I have all mailboxes in RFC format... Michael Davidson: If I look at ANUS, will I see the occurrences you want to replace Daniel? Rusty Tucker: ahh, OK Daniel O'Leary: Yes MD. Daryl Hansen: POP3 has always been a but unstable on the MauiMail server. I would like to offer POP3 someday. Rusty Tucker: And WebMail crashes when you try to download a "???" format attachment. Daniel O'Leary: They are in the files Homepage.spml and profile.txt for now, but the real fix should work for any file a sysop throws in there. Michael Davidson: Daniel, are you using the Finder to move/copy files? Donald McHose: <> Daryl Hansen: When the WEE bug is fixed, I will try POP3 again :) Rusty Tucker: :) Daryl Hansen: I haven't seen anything like that Rusty. Andy Daws: Nearly all our accounts are POP3 with no problems Ken Sutherland: ok, ok, i get the POINT, fill fix asap Daryl Hansen: AD, Hmmm. Ken Sutherland: 8-) Daniel O'Leary: MD have you seen the scripts? Rusty Tucker: AD- POP3 access via TeleFinder and a POP3 client is very stable. No problems. Michael Davidson: no, I just dloaded them? Rusty Tucker: The problem occurs with accessing your email via the Web and the WebMail Plug-in. Rusty Tucker: Trying to download an attachment from a POP3 message causes the Plug-in to crash the server. Daniel O'Leary: I grafted Rusty's stuff onto another I was working on that was based upon SyncFolders in the Apple Extras folder. Andy Daws: Sorry, bit slow catching up with the log Rusty Tucker: I think that its only a certain attachment format that causes the crash. Ken? Daniel O'Leary: Ken, I understand you are working on a new util. Care to fill us in? Ken Sutherland: give me a moment, kids are playing up mikael fredriksson: I get a bomb on base64 files Daryl Hansen: This is really pretty funny. When I set out to give away free web based email, I searched high and low for a solution, then JP makes a nifty plug-in and all my searching is over! Plus, I already had a license for the TF server from my BBS days. Donald McHose: That's an important note to send users! I wish I had seen an announcement on this issue on the plug in. mikael fredriksson: news from the web :Global Village's modem business sold to Boca Research Rusty Tucker: OK -- that would be UUEncode and most MIME attachments. Binhex is OK for the web mail plug-in then. Rusty Tucker: The work around is to setup WebMail user's mailboxes as TeleFinder, not POP3, format. mikael fredriksson: I think so yes (don't dare to try have my BBS 20 min drive from home) Donald McHose: My users wouldn't know the different. but I'll just put in a no attachments for now.If using web mail. Daniel O'Leary: RT, that rules out using other email clients, does it not? Rusty Tucker: not at all. Rusty Tucker: Regular POP3 access works fine. Ken Sutherland: We have been developing a utility for telefinder that logs file uploads and downloads for a photo bureau in the UK, it allows you to update web pages in near realtime and allows you to check how many times someone has downloaded or who has downloaded any file, ie SKY TV could check how many newspapers have taken what pictures and then bills them, it interfaces with FileMaker 4 Ken Sutherland: anyone interested Daryl Hansen: Filmmaker!@ Daryl Hansen: Hmmm. Ken Sutherland: FileMaker Pro4 Michael Davidson: sounds very useful Ken. How far along are you? Daniel O'Leary: Cool. So I can track file xfers... I like this one. Daniel O'Leary: Autobilling eh? Way cool. Daryl Hansen: Ken, I'm not sure yet if I can use that or not. Andy Daws: Someone please sell Sky TV a TF system there's is really bad ;-) Bill Gram-Reefer: would it work for html transfers, too? Ken Sutherland: we have a beta up and running on customer site NOW Daniel O'Leary: Be Jim Leary could use it on Rinkside.com. Michael Davidson: Rusty, are you telling me that POP3 clients can get TeleFinder format email just fine? Andy Daws: Most Newspaper have recipe arrangements so don't sell each other pictures that just ISDN them for free Rusty Tucker: no, they can get POP3 format just fine. Michael Davidson: ok, that's what I thought. Bill Gram-Reefer: could I use it for reports to clients showing details of which page got hit by whom? Andy Daws: Ken have you tried image.net Bill Gram-Reefer: or is it just for TF file downloads Daniel O'Leary: Rusty if you say "the work-around is NOT to use POP3, then how can other clients access the mail. (other=non-tf/nonbrowser) Ken Sutherland: that's who has it Ken Sutherland: 8-), he wants a UK exclusive license Andy Daws: Just a guess Michael Davidson: That'll cost em! Daryl Hansen: DO, Your web mail clients can request to have their settings changed to TF mail only. Donald McHose: damn good guess Andy Daws: How about USA Online Daniel O'Leary: Get lots of dollars KS... The geographic/legal issues are staggering. Rusty Tucker: DO - talk to Ken, get him to fix the plug-in. Daniel O'Leary: Hehe, good one RT! Donald McHose: Ken fix the plug-in !!! Ken Sutherland: FU Ken Sutherland: hehehehehheh Rusty Tucker: :))) Ken Sutherland: I can change nappies if you want Daniel O'Leary: Anyone STILL interested in chat enhancements via JAVA? Donald McHose: )~ Ken Sutherland: getting good at that Daryl Hansen: Ken fix the plug-in !!! Daniel O'Leary: I have not forgotten about it, just got sidetracked. Ken Sutherland: anyone good at java coding? Andy Daws: Yes how are you doing I have some code for Java chat Daryl Hansen: Actually I'm really happy with the Mail PI, Thanks Ken. Daniel O'Leary: I am making fair progress KS. Rusty Tucker: DO will be an expert after he has Java Chat running. Donald McHose: DanO: would love to have a TF java chat same as u Daniel O'Leary: AD I have some too, but it is not yet working... Daryl Hansen: Java Chat! Yes! Daniel O'Leary: I think I have solved most of the problems though. Andy Daws: It's the plug-in that the problem just learning Daniel O'Leary: Am peeved at apple for not using the sun JVM. Bill Gram-Reefer: let me ask it this way KS, when you say any file, then I assume this would mean your new utility would track html files served from TF as well as regular file transfers, correct, or will you fix the plug-in? Ken Sutherland: could we patch it in TF, Rusty and extra code make it easier? Andy Daws: I thought they bundle both MS and Sun? Michael Davidson: What will Java add to chat that AS can't? Daniel O'Leary: MS and Apples do not fully support everything in the sun JVM. Daniel O'Leary: Cross-platform, and security. Daryl Hansen: Doesn't Apple plan on that? Michael Davidson: the Daniel O'Leary: DH, they are going further down the tubes... going with MS JVM. Andy Daws: Can't you open socket etc Michael Davidson: Can you have graphics with Java chat? Daryl Hansen: brb, Garbage men just came by and now my cans are in the middle of the street. Go to go get them before somebody runs them over :) Andy Daws: Or is it more the layout etc that's dif Michael Davidson: GET non-round trash cans. Donald McHose: MD: yes! Donald McHose: try Digichat Donald McHose: It does not support MRJ 2.0 though Michael Davidson: Rusty, could you try to open your bot again. I want to see why mine isn't seeing User Enters Chat. Michael Davidson: Or somebody else open their chat app. Bill Gram-Reefer: <> Andy Daws: I think what Daniel is trying to do is integrate with the TF Chat using a Plug-In Daryl Hansen: Works for me! Donald McHose: applause Michael Davidson: <> Michael Davidson: <> Daryl Hansen: DO, I thought Apple was just going to include ActiveX support in their JVM? Michael Davidson: hola! Michael Davidson: did anybody open their chat bot? Andy Daws: I may be wrong here but I think it has to be compiled for Mac still. I've tried and failed so far Donald McHose: Incoming!! ( kids) c-ya Donald McHose: <> Michael Davidson: What has to be compiled for Mac still AD? Andy Daws: ActiveX Apps Michael Davidson: o Andy Daws: Long live Java (One day) Rusty Tucker: DM- scripts won't run on my system right now Michael Davidson: hmmm. Michael Davidson: Are you using a different server than last chat. .... Michael Davidson: I didn't change my user enters code Andy Daws: <> Andy Daws: <> Daniel O'Leary: <> Michael Davidson: #@!$, nothing happened when Andy came back Rusty Tucker: The chat bot's are server independent. they are dependent on the version of TF User. Daniel O'Leary: <> Andy Daws: I'm using TF/Win )-; Michael Davidson: my outgoing is working fine, notice the #@!$ above, but not the user enters code Daniel O'Leary: Was I the only one just locked up? Rusty Tucker: yep Daniel O'Leary: I disconnected and reconnected with my provider, and quit the session. Lost it right after I was asked about sockets and Java. Rusty Tucker: Any last Q's before we wrap it up today? Daryl Hansen: Thanks Rusty! Good session today, It was fun picking on Ken :) Daniel O'Leary: Did I miss much? Daniel O'Leary: That was strange. the connection to the ISP was fine, and the TF session had the Beach Ball O death. Ken Sutherland: <> Michael Davidson: Daniel, I didn't see $USER_NAME in the profile text doc of ANUS Rusty Tucker: One last note... Daniel O'Leary: Yes Rusty, when will a sane UM "protection" be in place? Daniel O'Leary: Those bullets are killing me. Rusty Tucker: If you've seen Check Shotton's Plug-in Patcher? Andy Daws: I love bullets Daniel O'Leary: MD might have missed it in the one I U'ld... It DOES belong there. Andy Daws: ;-) Michael Davidson: It's YOUR profile DO. Daniel O'Leary: I hate em. Michael Davidson: what bullets? Rusty Tucker: That patches a WebStar specific bug. Initial reports described it as an Open Transport problem. But that is not the case. Daryl Hansen: Bullets are our friends! Daniel O'Leary: It should be a modified version of my profile, MD. Daniel O'Leary: I may have put the wrong one in there... take a look at the date/time I did that. Andy Daws: Bullets Forever (duck) Daryl Hansen: What's UM protection? Is that some sort of birth control? Daniel O'Leary: Again, the directions state to edit the contents of those files.... BANG! Michael Davidson: Sept 13; 1:46 pm Daniel O'Leary: Sorry, my gun went off. Michael Davidson: It has a graphic in it I think Daniel O'Leary: MD no, look at the date on the ARCHIVE. Rusty Tucker: Dan doesn't like the ´´´´ covering the passwords in the most recent user manager. Daryl Hansen: Oh those bullets! YES those bullets SUCK! Daniel O'Leary: RT, it goes beyond "doesn't like" Daniel O'Leary: Grin. Rusty Tucker: Hey, I'm trying to be NICE :) Daryl Hansen: Those bullets are BAD. Michael Davidson: Mar 31; 1:23 PM Michael Davidson: I have no use for the bullets myself Andy Daws: Rusty did you get my program? Daniel O'Leary: Look on SI BBS. Rusty Tucker: what program? Andy Daws: The one that displays the password across a network and other info Daniel O'Leary: It was almost 1:30 AM my time. Rusty Tucker: Yes, I did. I didn't open it yet. Daryl Hansen: Rusty, What about offering a patch for SYSOPS that don't like bullets? Michael Davidson: Created Mar 30 1:01 AM; Modified Mar 29 11:30 PM Daniel O'Leary: How about a patch for those that do and leave it out for those that don't (grin) Daryl Hansen: Even better! Daniel O'Leary: MD, Now you can understand why it might be suspect) Michael Davidson: How bout a checkbox for bullets or not Daniel O'Leary: But it should be functional. Michael Davidson: :) yes Daniel modified before it was created Rusty Tucker: Check out the discussion re- bullets in the topics. Daniel O'Leary: Just replace the files in the templates folder with your own stuff.... Rusty Tucker: It's pretty well beaten into the ground there.:) Andy Daws: I think the best compromise was to password control UM Michael Davidson: But you should have a generic, but user-specific template file Andy Daws: Rusty thought he was rapping it up Daniel O'Leary: I will eventually figure out how to replace $USER_NAME with the data from the event, in any file within the folder. Michael Davidson: I would say work on the JAVA script instead! :) Rusty Tucker: DO, just read the files in, and parse the text. Rusty Tucker: then write out the replacement text. The chat bot should show you how to do that. Daniel O'Leary: RT is there an AS command to do replacements? I will have to look at that to see how it is done on a file. Rusty Tucker: grab a line of text, break it into items, look at each item, write out what you want Michael Davidson: probably easier to REPLACE Rusty, but your way would work too. Jim Leary: <> Rusty Tucker: Never seen a "replace" command Michael Davidson: No, he just needs to replace specific words with the User Name he gets from the UM AE Rusty Tucker: You can read a file line by line. Daniel O'Leary: I will also try to make it faster. I think the speed suffers because of the number of file I/O's I am doing. Rusty Tucker: Then break each line into words ( text items ). Daniel O'Leary: MD you are right on. Michael Davidson: use an osax Rusty Tucker: look at each item, if it is $USER_NAME output the user name, otherwise output the original item Daniel O'Leary: UM AE gives me what to put in place of $USER_NAME Daniel O'Leary: RT I would bet that is very slow. Rusty Tucker: Yes, it probably is. Daniel O'Leary: I will try it though, because automatic customization of the files will save the sysop loads of work. Rusty Tucker: Who cares if the dogs speaks slowly. Rusty Tucker: bingo Daniel O'Leary: RT what happens if two folks reg at the same time? Rusty Tucker: we only care that he speaks at all Rusty Tucker: not possible Daryl Hansen: Rusty, do you think sometime you could show me an example of what you were talking about when using the "referring URL" command to keep people in a framed version of MauiMail? Daniel O'Leary: Cannot? via two nodes? Andy Daws: Will there ever be a way to hook straight into TF routines without using AE like Res Nova could do Rusty Tucker: Only one register at a time. Rusty Tucker: The second reg waits on the first Daniel O'Leary: what happens while UM is busy doing the first? Daryl Hansen: Anything to discourage escaping from frames. Daniel O'Leary: Ah you answered it. Rusty Tucker: AD- that's a web server plug-in Daniel O'Leary: RT another ? Rusty Tucker: DH- i don't have an example to show. Rusty Tucker: ga Daniel O'Leary: Behind a firewall, two or more users connect. Andy Daws: Don't web server routines have to use AE as well Daniel O'Leary: what will the SPML log for username show if they cross a realm. Rusty Tucker: DO - the firewall is irrelevant Rusty Tucker: AD- plug-ins are native code Daniel O'Leary: How does it track the user name? Rusty Tucker: DO the log will always show the user name as provided by the browser Daniel O'Leary: AH, forgot about that one. Daniel O'Leary: I forgot that the browser remembers. Michael Davidson: Daniel, the following is from the Profile file: Daniel O'Leary: Heard that some bad firewalls get this screwed up though. Michael Davidson: I am a user of this operation. My plan includes these goals: 1. To continue to push the state of the art in Mac-Based Telecommunication 2. To enlighten others to the advantages of owning and using a Macintosh 3. To encourage others to support the Macintosh as a viable platform for ANYTHING that one would want to do on a personal computer. 4. To continue using a GATES-FREE system. KloneZone Mac - A TeleFinder 5.5 Mac/Windows BBS 532 Verna Trail South, Fort Forth TX USA 76108 (817)367-2558 (Voice) (817)367-2712 (Dial-in) 1:130/1015 (Fido) klonezone.tfnet.org (TFNet) kz.eaze.net (Internet) http://kz.eaze.net (WWW) Daniel O'Leary: That is a generic profile for my system MD. Andy Daws: So can you do something like do a game in a chat window without calling AE to talk to the ChatServer Daniel O'Leary: It is correct as shipped. Jim Leary: Hello Rusty...Bruce has a concern. We have 6 nodes, but 2 are for modems, one for mail and one for port 23. That leaves only 2 for port 1474. Can we but one single node to make it 7? Jim Leary: buy Daniel O'Leary: Sans the TF server version number! Daniel O'Leary: Do my profile on here to see the difference. Michael Davidson: But you want something like Name: $USER_NAME Rusty Tucker: The next point is 10 nodes. You'll get a $250 credit for your existing 6 nodes. Rusty Tucker: You can go unlimited for $475, or 10 nodes for $375. Michael Davidson: <> Jim Leary: What is the bottom line price for us, already having 6 to upgrade to 10? Jim Leary: Oh OK Daryl Hansen: Rusty, Do you think that Allegro or Sonata will allow more than 30,000 items to be displayed in a list, so UM can have more than 30,000 accounts? Daniel O'Leary: I will use $USER_NAME in my files to denote that which will be replaced by the user's name. Jim Leary: Those prices include the credit? Daniel O'Leary: Saw MD just left. Daniel O'Leary: wonder if he timed out. Rusty Tucker: no, subtract $250 from them Rusty Tucker: I don't know yet DH Daryl Hansen: Okay. Daniel O'Leary: RT,AD I am going to use RMI in my code. Daryl Hansen: I'll just hope for the best. See YA! Jim Leary: Oh so 225 for unlimited or 125 for 10, right? Rusty Tucker: that's right Andy Daws: RMI? Daryl Hansen: <> Daniel O'Leary: the way I see it, I can set things up so that IM's and User-to-user chats are not routed to the server once the link is made. Daniel O'Leary: this will offload them from the server. Daniel O'Leary: make them much more responsive. Jim Leary: I e-mailed Jon about my problems. He sent me a SIT plug-in that wouldn't unstuff, so I'm waiting for a replacement. Keeping my fingers crossed. I think that flash I see is the light at the end of the tunnel Daniel O'Leary: Remote method invocation. RMI. Rusty Tucker: :) Andy Daws: Ahh yes on your Unix Box? Daniel O'Leary: AD since it is Java, it will run between the CPUs of the connecting users, regardless of platform. Rusty Tucker: Does MRJ support RMI yet? Daniel O'Leary: The version I am playing with does RT. Andy Daws: Doesn't it have to run from the same machine the Web server is on. Security? Rusty Tucker: Great Daniel O'Leary: You have the latest codewarrior correct? Rusty Tucker: really time to go now Daniel O'Leary: AD, there is a way around that too. Daniel O'Leary: Okay, RT Take care. Rusty Tucker: see ya'll Andy Daws: Are you using it as a Java Server ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- March 31, 1998 -- ©Copyright 1998, Spider Island Software