---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Text of TeleFinder Chat from Tuesday, April 14, 1998 11 AM PDT. In attendance: Sysops: mikael fredriksson, Jim Smith, Bob Nunn, Donald McHose, Bill Gram-Reefer, Jim Leary, ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- mikael fredriksson: <> Jim Smith: <> Donald McHose: <> Donald McHose: The host is missing ! Bob Nunn: I finally broke down and bought a copy of Claris Homepage. I decided that I like it mostly. Jim Smith: BN: Who will keep it up, Apple or FileMaker? Bob Nunn: The site management sucks if you have more than a few pages. FileMaker inherited it. Donald McHose: Claris is great for a quick page ! Very mac like. But it never was intended as a site management tool like Go Live! Bob Nunn: It has the built in FMPRO commands. Was thinking about looking into teaching it SPML. Jim Leary: How much will this thing run when it is finalized. Do you know? Donald McHose: Would that be specific tags? Donald McHose: Question.Did any of the new servers break the ability to mail to more than one addressee. dmchose@....,Bob_Nunn@head.... ect. at a single time? Bob Nunn: You can order it through one of the online services. I will send you the info. Donald McHose: using the TF client. I might add. Bob Nunn: Don't know. Donald McHose: K Bill Gram-Reefer: <> Bill Gram-Reefer: hi mikael fredriksson: I tried to call Rusty but only get the answering machine... :( Bob Nunn: Perhaps he is still celebrating Easter? Donald McHose: Must be doing Brunch . Those California types Bill Gram-Reefer: watch it, we only do brunch on sunny days Bob Nunn: Don't know what happens but I periodically get a beach ball and it never recovers. Probably my MIS group fiddling with the Firewall again. Donald McHose: I think I'll go with the Lollipop. Bobs site works well with it.In fact that's a good project tonight. Bob Nunn: I do like it. You just have to make sure and not have it pull during heavy traffic. Bob Nunn: Script the prefs file as an application and use it to launch Lollipop via the Mail Server scheduler Bob Nunn: They log in. You will have to try mine sometime. Bob Nunn: I think you have a log on in my system Jim Smith: I have make a change, now testing on my system. It will read the group file in the Lollipop (application) folder if not started with document. Donald McHose: thanks. Jim Leary: How am I getting to my own mail Jim Smith: There is a sample script in the docs., but you also need some script additions. PPP stuff. Daryl Hansen: <> Jim Smith: NO you want, you don't use PPP. Donald McHose: No I do not use PPP. ;-) Jim Smith: me also :-))) Donald McHose: brb Jim Smith: Well I do, but it in the hardware. Bill Gram-Reefer: see you Friday, bye Bill Gram-Reefer: <> Daryl Hansen: <> Bob Nunn: You will want to keep the amount of items down per group you pull, Don especially to start. Bob Nunn: I wish someone would have warned me. Jim Smith: I should add that to the docs. Do you have any more gotyous? Bob Nunn: Not sure. I will have to look at the log to see it. Will check into it. Bob Nunn: You kinda did Jim, but you didn't make it sound serious enough. Jim Leary: <> Bob Nunn: I had many groups I was pulling and didn't realize that setting it for 100 per newsgroup would be a problem until I did it. Bob Nunn: The old one seemed to pull arbitrary numbers regardless of the settings. Yours actually does it. Bob Nunn: I pull 25-50 on most smaller groups and 100 on main topics that I care about. Donald McHose: <> Bob Nunn: The only other thing is that you use the same filenames on your documentation that OAT uses and I have to rename them all to put up the instructions on my web site. Not a biggy and not something that most people probably do. Jim Smith: Lollipop have same filename as OAT? Bob Nunn: I think your folder name is documentation and your main page links to everything in it. Same as OAT. Bob Nunn: Not a big thing but if you get to redoing it? Jim Smith: Yes, I used OAT as example. I think I will add 'Lollipop' to all file/html names. Jim Smith: Well I guess we may as well go, cu Friday. Jim Smith: <> Bob Nunn: The best thing would be to put everything in a folder named Lollipop and put your main page name as homepage.html similar to what RT does. You could put an alias of homepage.html outside the folder if you think the user would have trouble. Later. Bob Nunn: Never mind. See you Friday mikael. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- April 14, 1998 -- ©Copyright 1998, Spider Island Software