---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Text of TeleFinder Chat from Friday, April 17, 1998 11 AM PDT. In attendance: From Spider Island: Rusty Tucker Sysops: mikael fredriksson, Daniel O'Leary, Ken Sutherland, Donald McHose, Jim Leary, Jim Smith, Bob Nunn, Michael Davidson, Juan Jose Tarud ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rusty Tucker hola! Rusty Tucker Welcome to the Chat Room chat Bob! Daniel O'Leary Hoped lunch was good for you RT. Rusty Tucker Welcome to the Chat Room chat Ken! Ken Sutherland morning Daniel O'Leary Jim L has some questions about LAN hardware. Ken Sutherland or evening depending where you are Daniel O'Leary Hubs and such. Rusty Tucker Welcome to the Chat Room chat mikael! Rusty Tucker too early for lunch, that's after the chat. Jim Leary After a "Mac expert" came in to evaluate out 4 Mac set-up and tried to rip us off, we've decided to do it ourselves which means me Jim Leary I have 4 Macs and want to set up a hub, since the Ethernet we now have seems to cause frequent freezes Donald McHose a simple unmanaged hub should do you fine. Jim Leary Is the Asante Friendlynet 10 BT ENET HUB a good way to go? Jim Smith JL: Do you have file sharing on? Jim Leary yes Jim Smith I that that may be a problem. :-) Rusty Tucker Welcome to the Chat Room chat Michael! Jim Smith I think it was from Dan O. Michael Davidson Greetings everyone! Jim Leary We have to transfer many files per day from two work stations into the BBS computer. How can I go w/o file sharing? Bob Nunn If you have the funds set up an apple server instead of using file sharing. That hub is okay. Daniel O'Leary What was from Me? Ken Sutherland JL, Asante is good stuff Jim Smith Dan: File sharing bad. Daniel O'Leary I don't use file sharing... Jim Leary Funds are always an issue. The hub from Asante has 8 ports, costs only $59 plus wiring expenses. Won't that do the trick? Rusty Tucker My file sharing freezes went away when I installed OT 1.3.. Michael Davidson This is a topic that's been on my mind! Donald McHose Can't go wrong there . Look at the warranties and prices. Jim Leary Also, is it best that I get a spool and hook up the connectors myself rather than trying custom lengths? Daniel O'Leary I only used File Sharing when I had the NetPresenz FTP server running here. Bob Nunn File sharing is to be avoided since it slugs everything down and causes lockups. But it is better than nothing if you can't set up a server. Do not install your own ends. Just buy the lengths. Daniel O'Leary Need a good FTP server that listens to User Manager. Jim Leary If so, I'm much the amateur at putting those connectors on. Don't have them yet. Is there a specific procedure??? Jim Leary How do I know if I've put them on correctly??? Michael Davidson Do many people here use a separate AppleTalk enabled (sharing on) server that their BBS uses to make more files available on the BBS and the network Bob Nunn Don't mess with it buy pre finished. Donald McHose What Bob said !! Michael Davidson I am assuming EtherTalk Jim Leary Dan. any comment on that? Rusty Tucker Our set-up used to have User Manager running on an AppleShare WGS. Bob Nunn You really would have to have good testing equipment. The finished links are a bargain for that small a job. Rusty Tucker The BBS files, mail and conferences partitions were all on the file serve. Donald McHose Cables can be a real head ache. Daniel O'Leary I only share files when I need OT do a Mac-to-Mac xfer, but I still have to use it when I do an FTP xfer to the BBS server. Jim Leary OK so I should measure and order finished custom lengths 10 BT strips...correct? Daniel O'Leary I have always made my own cables, and never had problems, but I guess I am charmed.... Michael Davidson I want to do this because of what AppleSharing on the TF Server does to performance Donald McHose Yupper Bob Nunn Yes, MicroWhse has them available even color coded. Rusty Tucker the BBS TCP Nodes and Web Server ran from a client Mac, and the Mail and Modem were running on a separate client Mac. Rusty Tucker It worked pretty well. Jim Smith MicroWhse = DataCommWhse Michael Davidson client Mac Jim Leary The boss gave me a Data Comm Warehouse Catalog to order from. I'm sure they have them Rusty Tucker No problems, its just slower to get the files off a server than local. Daniel O'Leary User Manager was on the same as Web server? Jim Leary ahh. good then Donald McHose Get into the habit to start tagging both terminals. It pays in the long run ;-) Rusty Tucker UM was on the file server. Bob Nunn Yep that be them. Michael Davidson BBS users have slower downloads rusty, even with Ether? Rusty Tucker the web and BBS were on a client Mac Jim Leary I have an Astrocom set-up (56K line) Anyone know if there is a special cable for that into the hub or is it likely the same that goes into the computers Rusty Tucker not any slower to Internet or Modem users, just local Michael Davidson I just want a Mac that can make files available on the local network AND for BBS users...all the TF server on the one machine Daniel O'Leary Does that hub do any switching? Bob Nunn Of course you could go with a router with a built in ENET hub and get an ISDN link to your ISP. Then you could just use TF client to send files back and forth. Not too bad that way. Daniel O'Leary Jim has a router and ISDN hook-up. Daniel O'Leary Or 56 k hook-up. Jim Leary Sounds more expensive than what I'm planning Jim Leary I'm going with the hub. Just want to do it right Donald McHose Your router hooks to the lan's hub Jim Daniel O'Leary All TCP connections go back to the hub. Jim Leary router=astrocom? Michael Davidson Rusty, now that you use OT 1.3, you can turn the TF server machine's AppleSharing on with no problems? Rusty Tucker MD - it has not crashed here using OT 1.3. There is still the false "copy protection" problem. Rusty Tucker where Finder won't let you copy files that were uploaded sometimes Michael Davidson Does it slow it down terribly like mine does Daniel O'Leary JL you have a CSU/DSU, and a router... I'm not sure if they are combined into one unit. Jim Leary 2 units Rusty Tucker when I copy a file over, the server grinds to a halt Michael Davidson :) Rusty Tucker you can Jim Leary Astrocom and proteon Rusty Tucker t even get to menus Michael Davidson geeeez Rusty Tucker Good news! The Port of TeleFinder User to 32 bit windows is progressing well! Michael Davidson I think I'll set-up one of my extra machines and turn AppleShare on on it rather than on my TF Server machine. Michael Davidson Great Rusty! Rusty Tucker 32 bit is Win 95-98, NT Bob Nunn That'll make a lot of folks happy! Donald McHose Great! What does that do that the latest release doesn't?Speed? Rusty Tucker The 3.1.1b1 is the last Win 3.1 client Rusty Tucker Its 32 bit only from here on out. Jim Smith RT.: what Win Dev sys are you using? Rusty Tucker It will be much faster, and we can start taking advantage of new Windows features like long file names. Michael Davidson so Win 3.1 can't use the newest releases? Rusty Tucker right, they're stuck at TFUser 3.1 Rusty Tucker this will be TeleFinder User 4.0 Bob Nunn Will you set it up to be auto-install as the final for 3.1 and take the beta off? Michael Davidson Are you going to make a new TF User Mac 4.0 Michael Davidson Good idea Bob. Donald McHose brb Rusty Tucker c-ya Rusty Tucker MD - TeleFinder user Mac is at 5.7 Michael Davidson :) duh...thought I was using 3.x? Daniel O'Leary You may be MD. Daniel O'Leary Do an "About TeleFinder to see." Michael Davidson no, using the latest beta stuff for the Applescripting Rusty Tucker some people still do! Bob Nunn 4.0 was the last version to work with OS 6 right....? Rusty Tucker I think so, maybe 3.2 for sure Daniel O'Leary I have all the releases here if anyone needs them. Michael Davidson Think you need lower version then 4.0 for 68000 Macs though Bob Nunn I know that the 3.2 works on the compact Macs. Daniel O'Leary I never trash a good thing. Rusty Tucker maybe that's it, 3.2 for Mac Pluses Rusty Tucker see that posting from UK, running TeleFinder server on an LC3??? Rusty Tucker yikes! Rusty Tucker allegedly kicking PII ass to boot:) Michael Davidson Hey, it works! Daniel O'Leary hehehehehe Daniel O'Leary Wife said I can get a new computer for Christmas if all goes well this year. Michael Davidson don't be naughty Rusty Tucker I mean, how funny is that? running TeleFinder on a LC3 to do things that can't be done on a P2 running WinNT and MS IIS! Rusty Tucker c-ya Rusty Tucker #dir_list rules! Michael Davidson Won't those guys ever learn Daniel O'Leary There is a ALOT you cannot do on a PII with M$ pulp... Like get work done. Grin... Am looking for dual SCSI bus box Michael Davidson I'll be right back. Rusty Tucker Welcome to the Chat Room chat Juan! Michael Davidson Hello Juan, glad to see you! Daniel O'Leary Am getting Jim Leary into the fold, one day at a time... Juan Jose Tarud hello everyone! Bob Nunn Hey! Juan Jose Tarud did anyone see my message about the mail local feature? Michael Davidson Rusty, is there a place I can go online to get an example of a Binary Search code....I've figured out how to do it, but I'm cheating to get it done. Daniel O'Leary Yes, Juan... Have not seen that problem. Juan Jose Tarud I have tried a lot to figure out what is wrong Rusty Tucker Look for "algorithms" in the title Juan Jose Tarud but it still sends the messages as Guest Daniel O'Leary JJT-Make sure that you open a settings file. Michael Davidson ok, I sure haven't found any AppleScript ones Bob Nunn The BIAP Chat people are adding AppleScript Brain Bots (sounds familiar?) It will only be released with their premium version. Daniel O'Leary Even if you do not connect. Rusty Tucker I've had a hard time finding AS docs of any kind Juan Jose Tarud I open the settings file, then I log with my name but still sends it as guest Juan Jose Tarud the weird thing is..why as Guest? Daniel O'Leary MD most books on programming discuss B-Trees, and linked lists. Michael Davidson Mine doesn't Juan Juan Jose Tarud I'll send you a sample Daniel O'Leary JJT, have you tried tossing your TF prefs out? Bob Nunn Corrupt settings file? Michael Davidson what is your Connect dialogue Settings set at? Juan Jose Tarud This has happened with SI Settings, my Settings...a more Juan Jose Tarud I use TCP/IP Rusty Tucker Welcome to the Chat Room chat Donald! Michael Davidson Glad you could join us Donald! Bob Nunn TF Prefs sounds like it then. Michael Davidson TF Prefs in the Sys folder Rusty Tucker for local email TeleFinder gets the name from the current prefs file. Juan Jose Tarud I'll try that and login later Juan Jose Tarud thanx Rusty Tucker c-ya Michael Davidson That would be it I think; in the System Folder: Prefs Daniel O'Leary I say try tossing it. Daniel O'Leary I will probably resume my JAVA excursions after today's chat. Daniel O'Leary CW really took a bite out of my free space... Rusty Tucker Welcome to the Chat Room chat Juan! Michael Davidson Greetings Juan! Daniel O'Leary So did all 11.5 MB of the Mozilla source. Juan Jose Tarud fixed! bad prefs file. Daniel O'Leary Heheh.... Michael Davidson That'll teach you to save everything Daniel! :) Juan Jose Tarud :-) Bob Nunn Happens Michael Davidson The one in the Sys folder Juan? Juan Jose Tarud yep Daniel O'Leary I need to make room for V2 of the source. Juan Jose Tarud does anyone know something about what's going on at Macnexus? Daniel O'Leary it is out now, and the aussies put in all that encryption we can't export. Daniel O'Leary I do JJT. Juan Jose Tarud did they fix it? Rusty Tucker c-ya Daniel O'Leary Still working on it JJT. Juan Jose Tarud rusty.... Rusty Tucker seems to be a hardware problem at MacNexus Bob Nunn Rusty you are adding a lot of cool 32 bit Windows features to the new client right. I mean you might even get a few things in that exceed the Mac's capabilities now right??? Juan Jose Tarud are you gonna place that mail saving feature on TF? Rusty Tucker they're having problems with all the s/w they're running on it Daniel O'Leary Hey no way BN. Michael Davidson that would be sacrilegious Bob Nunn Donald McHose : ) Rusty Tucker Just a few things to catch up more Bob Nunn SCSI bus (I betcha) MacNexus! Daniel O'Leary So we can Lap 'em again. Rusty Tucker Welcome to the Chat Room chat Jim! Michael Davidson WhatÕs happening Jim? Daniel O'Leary I run bot free---- Jim Leary No luck Dan Jim Leary download stopped just like at apple Daniel O'Leary you got 782k Jim... you can resume whenever you want. Jim Leary what a company Rusty Tucker Like I'll be able to add the sort shading now. Win31 didn't support enough colors :(, but 32 bit does. Juan Jose Tarud I gotta go....got a meeting in 5 min.. Juan Jose Tarud thanx everyone and nice to see ya all Rusty Tucker bye jj Juan Jose Tarud bye Daniel O'Leary Later JJL. Jim Leary but the timer stayed on 1:57:42 for 10 minutes Daniel O'Leary JJT... sorry. Donald McHose later JJL Rusty Tucker c-ya Daniel O'Leary I'd resume and let her rip. Daniel O'Leary Rusty, did you get my note on the licensing for Mozilla and derivatives. Rusty Tucker c-ya Daniel O'Leary Cool. TF retains the chat window through logins. Donald McHose Bob did you survive the storms OK ? Daniel O'Leary Jim logged out and back on and it kept track of the IM's there. Bob Nunn Missed me. Being a native OKIE I don't get tense too easy. Rusty Tucker I did, I DL'd the source too, but don't have time to look at it yet Michael Davidson Disregard this Just Testing, BN, RT., brb, imho, TF, TF Mail Server Daniel O'Leary I figured that you would be interested in that... Daniel O'Leary They did include JavaScript in the source. Donald McHose I hear ya! We had to go to Site assembly around 0300 for an hour. One was sited about six miles away. Glad to see your here ;-) Daniel O'Leary RT. there is a problem with the xfer rates reported for resumed xfers. Daniel O'Leary fantastic number, but unreal. Rusty Tucker yes, it does not correct for the already xmits amount Daniel O'Leary is the rate a instantaneous or moving avg.? Rusty Tucker average Donald McHose KS: would it be possible to have a plug-in that grabs a users SPML personal page on log in( web)..I am thinking of a lotus notes type of thing. Daniel O'Leary and the time remaining based on that or on instantaneous rate? Rusty Tucker DM - what does that mean? Michael Davidson on the average Dan Rusty Tucker overall average, total bytes send/ transfer time Daniel O'Leary Ah, would recommend changing that to a sample based upon inst rate. Donald McHose OK I'll send a note in the wish list and explain it. It would take to much time here. Ahhh.. tomorrow in the A.M. Gots to run work ;-( Rusty Tucker Intuit stops developing Quicken for the Mac By Clifford Colby (clifford_colby@macweek.com) Intuit Inc. announced today that it was ending development of the Mac version of Quicken. Intuit spokesman Adam Samuels said the company halted work because sales for the Mac version have declined over the past three years. Michael Davidson I disagree Dan...although it would be nice if the resume transfer corrected for already transmitted amount Rusty Tucker -- that's not good :( Michael Davidson Shit, they dropped QuickBooks about a year ago...now this Daniel O'Leary That is not good at all. Michael Davidson sorry about that "sh....", my bot was supposed to catch that Rusty Tucker c-ya Daniel O'Leary They are not giving the platform a chance to come back. Daniel O'Leary Profits are up and so are sales. Michael Davidson Might as well have let M$ buy them up Rusty Tucker Welcome to the Chat Room chat Jim! Michael Davidson Glad to see you Jim! Michael Davidson what kind of name is Adam Samuels anyway ...:) Rusty Tucker Any last Q's before we wrap up today? Rusty Tucker c-ya Daniel O'Leary RT., I will watch for problems in the system . Rusty Tucker c-ya Rusty Tucker c-ya Daniel O'Leary I think it is confined to MacNexus. Rusty Tucker Welcome to the Chat Room chat Bob! Michael Davidson Salutations Bob, glad you could join us! Daniel O'Leary I may let you have a gander at my Java stuff when I am ready to show it. Michael Davidson My bot needs to keep track of people who come back into the chat room Bob Nunn I thought you guys had gotten awful quiet for some reason. Rusty Tucker c-ya Rusty Tucker BN- I need to do something real simple in File Maker for a prototype Rusty Tucker do you think Lasso Lite will be OK? Daniel O'Leary Could you put a powerplant interface on windows? Bob Nunn Yes I used it up until a couple of months for my wife's site. Rusty Tucker OK -- I'd rather do the Events direct, but I didn't file FM Pro docs yet Bob Nunn It would occasionally corrupt itself and have to be replaced. I was using the .acgi Rusty Tucker I c Daniel O'Leary Like those folder tabs to di the view by. Daniel O'Leary I was thinking that the Folder tabs thing in the CW editor would be great for TF window views. Bob Nunn I would send you my fm file and pages if they would help you? Rusty Tucker :) -- I wish they would make a PP for Win32. The windows tools suck, nothing compares to Constructor, or even ResEdit! Rusty Tucker BN -- no, I'm looking for real low level stuff. don't worry, I'll just had the lasso sample for now, or use the AppleScript CGI Bob Nunn okay but you are welcome to it. It could be shortened and simplified to show a real estate or used car type application though. Rusty Tucker thanks Daniel O'Leary Am getting major lag here. Rusty Tucker see you all next week! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- April 17, 1998 -- ©Copyright 1998, Spider Island Software