---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Text of TeleFinder Chat from Friday, April 24, 1998 11 AM PDT. In attendance: From Spider Island: Rusty Tucker Sysops: Jim Smith, Bob Wright, Michael Davidson, mikael fredriksson, Daniel O'Leary, Ken Sutherland, Bill Gram-Reefer ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rusty Tucker hola! Rusty Tucker Welcome to the Chat Room chat Bob! Rusty Tucker c-ya Rusty Tucker Welcome to the Chat Room chat Bob! Rusty Tucker c-ya Rusty Tucker Welcome to the Chat Room chat Bob! Bob Wright hmmm... Rusty Tucker hi! Bob Wright hiya! Bob Wright I see where someone else also posted a problem with TFUser in that if your password is wrong, it wont return you to the connection screen Rusty Tucker I didn't see that. Bob Wright TFUser 5.7b8 that is Rusty Tucker hang on Rusty Tucker hola! Bob Wright re Bob Wright it did it for you, too? Rusty Tucker true! You need to quit and relaunch Bob Wright yep.... :/ Rusty Tucker hmm , well it gives me something to fix today Bob Wright haha...sorry about that Bob Wright How hard is it to add the ability to view JPG's online like we can do GIF's? Rusty Tucker maybe not too hard using QuickTime Rusty Tucker Welcome to the Chat Room chat Jim! Rusty Tucker at least on the Mac.. Bob Wright its nice to view GIF's online...jpg's would be nice, too Rusty Tucker Welcome to the Chat Room chat Michael! Michael Davidson I had trouble getting on Michael Davidson Rusty, I have been unable to stop, or even modify, the entering and exiting announcements -- the <> message Rusty Tucker I think the sites a little busy right now Rusty Tucker Welcome to the Chat Room chat Ken! Michael Davidson I have been trying to intercept those messages but cannot Rusty Tucker There's not a filter for that, only the action upon the event Ken Sutherland hiya Michael Davidson So, there is no way to stop the following automatically generated message "Rusty Tucker: <> Michael Davidson I can stop any other message but those two Rusty Tucker no.. Rusty Tucker Welcome to the Chat Room chat Rick! Rusty Tucker Welcome to the Chat Room chat Jim! Rusty Tucker Maybe we should add a filter for the in and out? Michael Davidson Unless, fromUser is unique...is it? Michael Davidson no, that won't work Ken Sutherland Q Michael Davidson Is it grabable without adding a filter? Rusty Tucker problem is, I have not found a way to return more than one item Rusty Tucker Welcome to the Chat Room chat mikael! Rusty Tucker c-ya Rusty Tucker Welcome to the Chat Room chat mikael! Michael Davidson What AE is sent when the enter announcement goes out, and from who (fromUser) Ken Sutherland Rusty, in a SPML arg can you have style commands, in the following if I put line breaks in it goes bang
Ken Sutherland email
To: From: From: Subject
Rusty Tucker using apple script, so you cant ask 2 questions using one event, you need a second event to ask the other ( display? ) question, after the first ( say enter message? ) Rusty Tucker Does that make sense MD? Ken Sutherland i.e. after the > Michael Davidson So, you are saying we need another event for enter exit Rusty Tucker That's why there is "Filter Message" and "Auto Reply" as separate events Michael Davidson I am trying to stop the event from displaying on the screen; using the Filter Message event Rusty Tucker Yes we'd need one or two events, "filter user entering" and "filter user leaving" Michael Davidson I was trying to create an option that filtered out those entering and exiting announcements (or modified them...so they "sounded" correct spoken Rusty Tucker Welcome to the Chat Room chat Bill! Rusty Tucker Ken, I.E. what after the >? Bill Gram-Reefer getting in here is like pushing through a mob at a Macy's sale Rusty Tucker the form looks ok to me Bill Gram-Reefer what's the topic? Rusty Tucker Ken's got a mail form SPML question on the floor Rusty Tucker and MD was asking about filtering on the chat "Enter" and "Exit" text display Rusty Tucker Ken seems to be visiting limbo land though... Ken Sutherland RT, if I bup a line break after the last character of each line i.e. the '>" it stops working Ken Sutherland also remember its kiddy time here in the UK Michael Davidson kiddy land is limbo land Ken Sutherland very true Rusty Tucker u mean by putting a CR at the end of each line of the Forms HTML??? Rusty Tucker don't you want to use a so that each of those form fields are on a separate line? Rusty Tucker Bill, did you see Dale H's question's regarding PPP in the topics? Rusty Tucker I suggested using a Vicom like you do to keep his connection up. Michael Davidson ? Rusty Tucker go ahead MD Michael Davidson Rusty, are you sure that looking for a specific fromUser (a unique fromUser, which it may already be) in the Filter Message, would allow me to stop the <> message from displaying... I know waiting for the text <> doesn't work unless a real user types it...not whoever (the special fromUser that sends such messages) Bill Gram-Reefer no RT Rusty Tucker MD - the Filter Message event does not get called when a user enters Michael Davidson OK, no wonder I couldn't catch it there. So we need an event (or two) Bill Gram-Reefer I'm in support thread answering Dale H. brb Michael Davidson or call the Filter Message on enter Rusty Tucker I think so, probably let the script decide what to print on the screen Rusty Tucker c-ya Rusty Tucker Welcome to the Chat Room chat Daniel! Daniel O'Leary Damn RT open some more nodes! Rusty Tucker just traded a Leary for an O'Leary :) Daniel O'Leary Been trying to get on for 15 min.... Rusty Tucker tsk tsk, mustn't be late :) Daniel O'Leary We are the "old ones" Daniel O'Leary What have I missed. Daniel O'Leary You really should open more nodes for this chat. Rusty Tucker I'm out of memory as it is Michael Davidson open a node named DOL for the contributions from Dan Michael Davidson :) Daniel O'Leary Hahahah Daniel O'Leary I have try drive 15 minutes total here to do this on a shifted lunch hr. Daniel O'Leary Keyboard is failing. Daniel O'Leary so are fingers. Rusty Tucker truth Daniel O'Leary My v key is going south, one option or cmd key is also failed. Michael Davidson Rusty, would it be easier to call the Filter Message when the <> message is sent...use a unique fromUser and we can catch it, or better to go with another event Daniel O'Leary Time for another trip to the bathtub I think...So what is topic. Rusty Tucker I was trying to help Ken with an SPML problem.... Daniel O'Leary What kind o problem? Daniel O'Leary got my alternate templates working now. Rusty Tucker good question :) Rusty Tucker I was still trying to figure that out. Bill Gram-Reefer speaking of memory, I just learned that the G3 desktops have an effective Ram limitation of 192 MB! cause the 128 DIMM chips are too big! Rusty Tucker **** Rusty Tucker c-ya Rusty Tucker oops there he goes Daniel O'Leary I will get a tower... what about them. Michael Davidson I can live with 192 MB RAM Daniel O'Leary Rusty, what what Ken's SPML problem about? Rusty Tucker I really don't know Dan Michael Davidson :) Bill Gram-Reefer 256 Mb DIMMS may or may not work but 128 are supposed to according to sales guy at computerware...a mac-only reseller here in Bay area that is usually reliable. Rusty Tucker I think I heard something about that Bill Gram-Reefer RT I have a question about the bulleted passwords in UM Rusty Tucker go ahead Rusty Tucker the "optionally" bulleted pw's ? Michael Davidson RT, about my last question, was it totally off? Bill Gram-Reefer it seems that some users have been having problems logging on and they go away when I manually re-enter passwords in UM over existing bullets Daniel O'Leary BGR I turned that off here, and all the PWDs are ok. Bill Gram-Reefer like their rev of TF user and the new UM weren't seeing each other's passwords Daniel O'Leary Would not think that the passwords got hosed. Bill Gram-Reefer sorry, I know it got explained once but how do I turn the bullets off in UM Rusty Tucker always check the logs for PW problems, then you'll see that they really entered the wrong password Rusty Tucker MD - another event is better Daniel O'Leary BGR there is a resource to edit. Michael Davidson I already stop Twits by fromUser Daniel O'Leary did you guys hear that the Defense sys hack was through a WIN NT box hahahahahahahah Bill Gram-Reefer sorry, I don't do windows or ResEdit Rusty Tucker :) Michael Davidson But if you say so, another event it is Bob Wright its TENNIS TIME!! see ya all next week Rusty Tucker ace' em! Rusty Tucker c-ya Daniel O'Leary RT any more development on Java hooks to chat? Rusty Tucker Welcome to the Chat Room chat Jim! Rusty Tucker I think a Simple TCP Chat interface is the way to go Daniel O'Leary I have a client for that one. Daniel O'Leary need to add the channel coomds an I'm to it. Rusty Tucker The server could either be built-in to TeleFinder, or a standalone app Rusty Tucker The server should be a C++ or C program so it can do the chat events easily Daniel O'Leary if it were built-in, response would be fast. Michael Davidson didn't their use to be a TF Chat Server ! :) Daniel O'Leary yes MD. Rusty Tucker Still is, its just integrated into TeleFinder Server now Michael Davidson Quite a different one is in the making Michael Davidson I know, I was reminiscing Rusty Tucker ahh, I c , the bad old days :) Rusty Tucker a separate app for each node... Rusty Tucker works for Unix Michael Davidson now a separate app for chat nodes (TCP) Daniel O'Leary if we are slick RT, we could integrate whiteboarding too. Rusty Tucker It could even be a web server plug-in Michael Davidson Dan, make it a pi Rusty Tucker They can do events and Networking very easily. Daniel O'Leary would be a TF/user plug-in for client, or stand alone app. Rusty Tucker oops, can't do the events since TeleFinder already registers for those events Daniel O'Leary give me some new ones rt... Rusty Tucker that would be a mess for chat server... Bill Gram-Reefer well you guys figure this chat thing out cause that's what you're good at..i gotsto go BYE Rusty Tucker c-ya Rusty Tucker lates Daniel O'Leary is there a way to extend the existing ones, without hosing what is already built>? Rusty Tucker a separate app is the way to go for now. Michael Davidson (I'm just asking for two events) :) Daniel O'Leary it will slow some things down. Daniel O'Leary a way to link to UM will help out. Rusty Tucker nothing a G3 can;t fix Daniel O'Leary want to prevent spoofing chat, too. Michael Davidson :) Rusty Tucker c-ya Rusty Tucker even one with a paltry 192 MB of RAM will do.. Daniel O'Leary RT you are so easily amused... Michael Davidson he's funny Daniel O'Leary I want full slots... Daniel O'Leary all of 'em. Daniel O'Leary I hate empty connectors. Daniel O'Leary : ) Rusty Tucker nay more question's before we wrap it up to day? Daniel O'Leary I will get back to you with some source for my chat work. Daniel O'Leary Need to learn how to write plug-ins. Daniel O'Leary Only know how to do applications. Rusty Tucker wsapi.spiderisland..com Daniel O'Leary Got it. Rusty Tucker that'd the TeleFinder plug-in site. Rusty Tucker a bunch of free source code for making plug-ins Daniel O'Leary Will write plug-ins that need UM to work (grin) Daniel O'Leary That way they cannot be used on shameless W* sites. Rusty Tucker oh well.. :) Rusty Tucker see you all next week, time for lunch here. Daniel O'Leary Yah, popcorn is awaiting. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- April 24, 1998 -- ©Copyright 1998, Spider Island Software