Bob Nunn ¥ Headgap: Good Morning. Nice spring day supposed to be 80 degrees here. I was tempted to play hooky. SpiderChris: Hi Bob SpiderChris: hehe rusty: I'm finally getting Ryan's Pix on the web :) Bob Nunn ¥ Headgap: I have been having trouble with my usenet messages getting all fouled. Is there a quick fix for these or is it best just to start over. I have 0 messages and erroe -39 Spider Joe: Hi Bob Bob Nunn ¥ Headgap: hey SpiderChris: toss out the topic file (send me a copy if you have a chance), and let mail server automatically create a new one. SpiderChris: probably good to toss the messages folder so you dont have extra space wasted. Bob Nunn ¥ Headgap: Sounds good. I ll .sit a couple up and let you have them later tonight. SpiderChris: thanks bob, much appreciated Chas.: greetings from Fla!!! Spider Joe: Hi Chas Bob Nunn ¥ Headgap: A couple of people want to hear what the voice sounds like. Greetings from Memphis Chas. Bob Nunn ¥ Headgap: I was depressed to hear that Apple may be killing OT. I was looking forward to the 1.5 release and multiple IP handling. SpiderChris: hi chas rusty: just when we finally get it working right! SpiderChris: hi jim Bob Nunn ¥ Headgap: If I could get my wifes fax software and modem software working right I would have said that 1.2 is perfect. I know that the conflict though it Free PPP. rusty: Are you running b17 now Jim? Spider Joe: Hi Bob W Bob Nunn ¥ Headgap: Hey Bob W. ----- I have had b17 up for a couple of days now. Bob Wright: Greetings, jose uhhh...joe ;) et al :) rusty: I have had just one bug reported from B17..., we haven't been able to crash it yet here. Spider Joe: hehe rusty: Ryan's on the web now rusty: Spider Joe: I'll be 'SpiderRay' next week =) Chas.: have yet to get it running here....cross your fingers, as I'm in the midst of another grand experiment... rusty: what kind of experiment? Chas.: bought a rocket card for an old cx...put 20 ram on it with newest version of rocketware & mode32... rusty: good luck!:) rusty: I guess it should work JimSmith-CMUG: Hi All Spider Joe: Hi Jim Chas.: have had problems with mode32... Chas.: TF won't run node(s) Bob Nunn ¥ Headgap: I have a Windows TF user who consistently crashes me on zmodem downloads. I have tried to get him to give me specifics but he has failed to reply. I have since taken his download priv. away. Have you ever heard of this?? Spider Joe: Chas, do you get any alerts when TF quits? rusty: no Chas.: no alerts at all... rusty: Can you tell what file he's downloading? Spider Joe: Chas, what do your log files report? Bob Nunn ¥ Headgap: He does it on various files. I thought originally that it was just a bad file but it doesn't seem to matter. rusty: + look in the Node log to see what "Version ref" his client software has. Spider Joe: Chas, does the web server start up? Bob Nunn ¥ Headgap: It is only the one that causes this but I hate to deny access since it apparently is no fault of his. I can't even think of a way to figure this out. I am hoping he will mail me today with details of his versions, modem etc. rusty: Chas, you mean that Finder does not even display an "Unexpectadly Quit" message? Bob Nunn ¥ Headgap: Its a hard crash too. No macsbugs it locks up solid. rusty: Bob, is there any info about the conenction in the Node's acitivity log? Bob Nunn ¥ Headgap: I will double check. I am not sure. Chas.: no msg at all...I go to start a prev set node or make a new one...when I 'start' node...TF quits...never got to the web server part... rusty: Chas, what is the time and date according to your computer? Chas.: well, the se is off-line working on getting the cx/rocket up... rusty: You need to make sure that the date and time are set correctly for the Beta Software Bob Wright: Has anyone been having users complain about messages like "the host did not start the login?" ...I have been getting this since I moved to the 8550, and this weekend it happened to me several times Bob Nunn ¥ Headgap: Set your ports to cycle more frequently? rusty: is that on modem or tcp-ip? which version of TF? Bob Wright: both -- users complained about that when dialing in...I got it via internet...version b15 rusty: Get version B17... I think b15 may stall periodically rusty: kinda like a temporary freeze rusty: make sure that you use OT 1.1.2 also Bob Nunn ¥ Headgap: What would happen if all of your tcpip ports are busy? Bob Wright: ok, and I thought the nodes checked to make sure the modem was still ready....for several days now I have come in and found the modem with no AA, but TF has not reported the modem is not listening rusty: No connection if all are busy Bob Wright: I am using OT 1.1.2, and I will get b17 today.....what about the above q? Chas.: we're back... rusty: AA should be OFF whenever TF has control of the modem Bob Wright: no, I mean the AA should be ON when waiting for a call :) rusty: NO! rusty: it will blink when a call comes in rusty: TF controls when the call is answered, not the modme Bob Wright: yes, and when it is waiting it is just a steady GLOW :) rusty: Auto Answer is for stupid software that doesn't understand how a modem works:) Bob Wright: so I dont need ATSO=1 in the init? rusty: That will cause the modem not to work, that's why we always put ATS0=0 in the strings we supply Bob Wright: I have used ATSO=2 since I owned TF (three years) and the modems that luck? rusty: yes Bob Wright: in fact,. someone just called in now and got connected Bob Wright: ok...then I set ATSO=0 and no other changes? rusty: it will be a problem if TF delays in answering the phone rusty: it will cause the "host didn't start the logon" problem. Bob Wright: any other changes than ATSO=0 I should make to have TF answer? rusty: set them all back to ATS0=0 SpiderChris: Ugh! ATS0=1 is bad bad bad ;-) rusty: here's what happens... Bob Wright: Chris: ;) uhh....go ride your bike ;-) Bob Wright: her is the real q: how could I have missed something like that?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! ;-) Bob Wright: her = here rusty: At ATS0=2 the modem will pick up the phone and start the answer sequence on the second ring rusty: If any characters are sent to the modem during that time, it will disconnect immediately JimSmith-CMUG: Where is this set I don't remenber setting any modem strings? for TF server. Bob Wright: so TF knows when a call is coming in even though ATSO=0??? Bob Nunn ¥ Headgap: Most defaults seem to work okay. rusty: The defaults confiugre the modem to work as best as it can. They are optimized to work very, very well. Bob Nunn ¥ Headgap: The only thing I ever change is the MNP compression since the USR users have trouble when it is turned on. Bob Wright: ighness Chas.: still unable to get TF & the rocketcx to start.... Bob Wright: I changed the settings to atso=0, but you have to go into each node's settings or it wont change Bob Wright: I shutdonw all dial-up nodes....changed the settingd, relaunched and three of the nodes came back with the AA on Chas.: when I go to create node connection...ot option selector won't run either...I need a new mac... Bob Wright: BUT...this might explain why I have NEVER been able to set the port speed for anything higher than 19.2....... :-) Bob Wright: I think you just fixed TWO of my problems ;-) Bob Nunn ¥ Headgap: Bob W. There is a serial speed control panel that allows you to up your port speed to 115 or 230 on that power mac. Bob Wright: Bob N: yes, I know of that control panel, but everytime I try to go faster than 19.2 the modems would never connect....I think it was due to the problem Rusty just fixed for me :) Bob Wright: I always thought I had cheap modems ;) Bob Nunn ¥ Headgap: It apparently works good I have been using it a while. I never tried for 230 I have been happy at 115. It works with your serial cards too. Ihavent tried on the PC Cards. I use the Nubus card. rusty: Chas, you need OT 1.1.2 Bob Wright: Bob N: I have the hurdler external...will it work with that? Bob Nunn ¥ Headgap: don't know i would try it though. Increase your users downloading cps about 20% Chas.: running that...but with 7.1...too much mickey mouse engineering on this end trying to get these old macs functioning like ppc's... Bob Wright: well, its worth a shot..... :) Bob Wright: Rusty: I believe you, but its been about ten min and no one has logged into the system yet via dial-up rusty: The OT option is only greyed out f OT is not installed, or if OT version is less than 1.1.1 Spider Joe: Is any here running a Smart Serial Six card? rusty: whats the number Bob? Spider Joe: any=any one Bob Wright: Rusty: 757-393-5019 rusty: Is it night time Mikael? Bob Wright: I mean joe ;) Mikael Fredriksson: no, time here is 7.45PM SpiderChris: oops... crashed my mac ;-) Bob Wright: OK, I feel better now, Joe ;) rusty: You're picture is Black rusty: Bob, ur system works OK from here Bob Wright: Rusty: ok...thanky! Bob Nunn ¥ Headgap: Bob W. do your modems have non-volital ram where you can semi permanently save the settings? rusty: anyone catch the UCLA game last nite :) Bob Nunn ¥ Headgap: You mean they have sports in california? Bob Wright: Bob N: yes, they are USR's 28.8 and I think I have two places to store two settings Bob Nunn ¥ Headgap: Find a buddy who is good at setting them up and review his settings. I don't use USRs rusty: UR Kewt Mikael! :) Bob Wright: Will there every be a time when I can download a folder at one time with tfuser? Bob Wright: Will there ever be a time when I can download a folder at one time with tfuser? Bob Nunn ¥ Headgap: I see Mikael is a bit happier now. ;-) SpiderChris: Bob, perhaps.... something that we'll look into... SpiderChris: it's not really a simple change, there are some issues to deal with there... Mikael Fredriksson: Yea! dont have any video on my mac have to use Imposter... Bob Nunn ¥ Headgap: Rusty tell us more about plug-ins and the Web Server. WIll we be able to use Webstar plugins? Bob Wright: Chris: ok...just asking.... :) rusty: Yes, WebStar and MOSAPI PI's rusty: The WebStar plugins run even Faster on TF than they do on WebStar!! Bob Nunn ¥ Headgap: Cool! Bob Wright: wheeee! Bob Wright: gimme gimme gimee! ;) Bob Nunn ¥ Headgap: Are the plugins you have seen easier to set up than CGI or about the same? rusty: We're making a C++ developers kit to make it easy to write your own PI's too. rusty: A little easier, you just copy them into TF's Plug-Ins folder rusty: Then reset the web server SpiderChris: some plugins will work without any configuration, others will require some... (usually through a web page built into the plugin) Bob Nunn ¥ Headgap: I think I could handle that. What is the thunk noise when someone accesses certain cgi's from the server. SpiderChris: calling them from the web page is easy. for example, (these wont work right now though), http:://.finger$, http://slack.wisdom SpiderChris: which cgi Bob N? Bob Wright: Bob N: I have wondered the same thing! It sounds like a freight train or something ;) SpiderChris: Oh, the finger? Bob Wright: finger.acgi does it Bob Nunn ¥ Headgap: Finger I think. It has that warning in TF server sounds SpiderChris: um... that's the "finger" sound... maybe rusty remembers where that one came from ;-) rusty: ...Marathon I, when you get "hit" by a pistol shot SpiderChris: its just a sound to let you know when someone uses finger on your bbs. perhaps that should come out at this point ;-) Bob Wright: Joe: have you figured out why the finger.acgi is not working for me, btw? Bob Nunn ¥ Headgap: It will work again when you put up the new version. Bob Wright: b17? Bob Wright: UGH! Bob Wright: Bob N: b17 fixes finger.acgi prob? Bob Nunn ¥ Headgap: Well it ddid for me. There was a brief time on the earlier betas where mine quit working and then it just started again. I wasnt paying attention to versions. Bob Wright: my screen freezes when I use makes the noise, but that is all I get. I type force-quit and everything continues to run smooth Bob Nunn ¥ Headgap: I had the same problem. B17 should fix it. Bob Nunn ¥ Headgap: Anything new coming out today guys?? SpiderChris: Bob W, we'll have a newer version of the finger.acgi out probably shortly after the 5.5 release when our OT interfaces go golden. Kinda irrelevant anyway, the plugin version of finger will work much faster anyway. Bob Wright: ok...thanky! Bob Wright: Chris: ok, I can wait :-) Bob Wright: my connection stinks today ;-/ SpiderChris: It's our white pine reflector Bob W, it keeps quitting... SpiderChris: Time for us to close up for the week though... SpiderChris: thanks for coming all.... rusty: Nothing new planned for today Bob Nunn ¥ Headgap: Guess I ll enjoy the pretty weekend and fix my usenets. Bob Nunn ¥ Headgap: Bye all. Spider Joe: Goodbye everyone! Chas.: back to sys installs...CU SpiderChris: bye...