rusty: hi bob Bob Nunn ¥ Headgap: Good Morning! rusty: did you get my last note about your server? rusty: Is that one running at your home? Bob Nunn ¥ Headgap: Not sure. I hvn't seen a response to my note this morning Bob Nunn ¥ Headgap: Yes the server is at the house rusty: ok -- its on its way then rusty: I think you should strip it down to the bare essesntials for a couple days Bob Nunn ¥ Headgap: I ll pop over and check it in a sec. I have to go modem to get around the firewall here. rusty: ... or until it crashes again Bob Nunn ¥ Headgap: I am going on vacation next week. I have to leave powerkey going but I was thinking of taking the cds offline. rusty: Yeha, this is something to try on a weekend when you'll be around to restart it if necessary Bob Nunn ¥ Headgap: Well I will be around this weekend, not leaving till monday rusty: If it is stable running just TF, then we can start adding pieces back until its un-stable again rusty: If it still bombs, then I'd put the rest of the s/w back in Bob Nunn ¥ Headgap: I really thought I had it pretty lean but I can leave off things like date & time, ext mgr, quicktime etc. is that what you mean? rusty: No, I mean PowerKey, the caching software, etc Bob Nunn ¥ Headgap: Yep I will do that as well and stop the newsgroups etc. rusty: run just the MacOS stuff, PPP and TeleFinder Bob Nunn ¥ Headgap: gotcha. What about the CSI stuff. Spider Jose: Good morning/afternoon everyone! rusty: That should be OK rusty: (CSI) rusty: gotta have that :) Bob Nunn ¥ Headgap: good. That will keep my system available. Bob Nunn ¥ Headgap: Hello Jose and Jim! JimSmith-CMUG: Hi all. rusty: btw - B28 and B27 have a bug in the web-mimes :( rusty: it doesn;'t assign the default properlly. rusty: I'll have a new vers online today. Bob Nunn ¥ Headgap: I wish you would just put up the change files, or make two versions available. rusty: If you're using Internet config, and not www_mime.config, it should be OK. Bob Nunn ¥ Headgap: You guys changed the names of all of your conferences? What's up? Spider Jose: BOB: We're matching the conf name to match their TFNet names Spider Jose: makes it easier to distinguish what conferences are distribute via TFNet and which ones aren't. Bob Nunn ¥ Headgap: Gotcha - that should enable us to identify whatever link trouble we are having. Is the beta group distributed?? Spider Jose: Yes, if you belong to beta TFNet group...I can add you to if you like... SpiderChris: hello folks Bob Nunn ¥ Headgap: Yes please. Bob Nunn ¥ Headgap: Hey Chris Bob Nunn ¥ Headgap: Rusty, while I am out should I disable the startupcrash app? Spider Jose: ...the only extra conf that is carried is 'Beta Announcements' rusty: no, i'd leave that in Bob Nunn ¥ Headgap: Okay. Thanks Jose I would appreciate getting it. rusty: there has not been any traffice in that topic since last November Bob Nunn ¥ Headgap: I wondered why you didn't consolidate some of that. I did notice some new topics in there that I would like. Bob Wright: Jose or Rusty: is the path specified in the startup file relative to the hard drive or to where the TF Server is located? rusty: The 'tf-annouce' mailing list is the best source, and telefinder.annouce. rusty: ideally the tf-annouce mail list is a mirror ot telefinder.annouce. Bob Nunn ¥ Headgap: Perhaps you need to tell me how to apply. I have never gotten my announce conf to pick up. rusty: u mean startuup.config? its releative to TF Server's foldr rusty: Paths in User Manager can be entered as reletive paths too. those are relative to UM's location rusty: We made those changes to support the demo rusty: Hey Dan O! Spider Jose: Hey Dan! Bob Wright: I have a folder inside of the TF Server folder called Mail Server rusty: Access groups can be realtiev too rusty: then add "mail server:mail server Bob Wright: my startup file contains: strt :Mail Server:Mail Server but it NEVER launches Dan: Blast... Gtalk is not enabled on my mac. rusty: double check spaces and make sure the line ends with a CR rusty: that's Bob Wright: I should tell you that the folder is an alias, which I would would not matter Dan: Hello all. Sorryfor lurking. I have no camera attached. rusty: strtmail server:mail server rusty: strt :Mail Server Ä:Mail Server Bob Wright: Rusty: the file is the one that you distributed. All I did was remove the f at the end, but one the less, it has a tab and return rusty: is how the demo workds SpiderChris: Bob, yes it does matter. that's why it's not working SpiderChris: (the alias) rusty: there's also an extra space there Bob Wright: alias, eh? rusty: You can't have aliases in things spec'd by a path. rusty: gotta be the real deal rusty: That's why you can't use aliases in the web server Bob Wright: ok, if I move the mail server folder, isnt it easy to just update all of the mailboxes? rusty: are they all in one folder? Bob Wright: using check user mail paths, right? rusty: yes, also reset your default mailpath to a partial path rusty: like :mail: Bob Wright: yep, all of them are in a folder called local SMTP which is in the Mail Server folder rusty: and make a mail folder inside thge UM folder rusty: not in mail server's folder. Bob Wright: that's where they are Bob Wright: If I read NNTP directions wrong a couple of years ago, but it said create a folder for the users inside of the mail server that a misread by me? Bob Wright: hell, it works ;) rusty: no, move them to the User Manaager folder rusty: see chri's pic now? Bob Wright: ok Bob Wright: yep rusty: The default TF setup is all within a single folder now rusty: and all the paths are set relative, Bob Wright: gotcha rusty: so if someone renames the HD, or if you copyTF somewhere else, it will stil work rusty: With our new demo, you just launch TF and its an instant BBS/email/Web rusty: no setup at all to do! rusty: We also don't need to famous first 25 or so pages in the TF manual any more :) Bob Nunn ¥ Headgap: But that takes all the fun out of trying to figure out the docs. Spider Jose: =) Bob Wright: ha Dan: Rusty I have not cracked my TF manual in years... rusty: just don't try and change anythigng :) rusty: that's because your SUBSIDIZED by us Dan :) Dan: I am an avid reader of the release notes though... Dan: hehehehehehehehehe rusty: Second, it's true, many (although I dought all) COMMERCIAL dial-in BBSs are having some finanial problems, like the one you quote about. However, I would like to see some hard facts on the kind of money ACTAULLY being made from COMMERCIAL TF WWW sites. Not what people MAY THING can be made, but hard REAL figures. (I don't thinks it's ll that much). Most of the TF WWW sites I have logged onto, are heavily subsidised by SI (free software), and subsidised by one or more ISPs (ie: free or near free access) an so don't have much overhead. rusty: :) Dan: I read that note by Ivan, rusty: oh I fogot about the ISP subsidy... rusty: I liked his note about there are 100 times more Web Sites going up than BBSes... Dan: There is no such thing as free access. I have to do my stint in tech support. Dan: They bring the big problems they cannot solve to me. Bob Wright: hey, remember this document, it was great for nights when you could not get to sleep: ;-) rusty: oohh, that's an old one! Dan: Yeah, he kind of missed the point made by thattransition. Bob Wright: I read it once about three years ago ;) rusty: I have one of the oriignal TeleFinder mans here... Dan: I tried to tell him about what was possible via a TCP/IP connection that was not possible via a simple serial connection... He was lost. Bob Wright: I have one of the old TELEFINDER HOST demo disk somewhere around here ;) Bob Nunn ¥ Headgap: Are you making up a care package or what? Dan: Teaming arrangements are not impossible, but you must have a cooperative nature and problem solving as well as people skills. IG lacks in both of these, I would suspect. Bob Wright: they are all scrambling for old docs ;0 SpiderChris: yes they are ;-) rusty: its not tf rusty: but DEEP BLUES grandpappy :) Dan: Lots of jumbled video on this end... rusty: The Ulimate in Computer Chess! ( so it says ) SpiderChris: dan are you on a 28.8 connection? Bob Nunn ¥ Headgap: Can't get em to hold still long enuf eh Dan. Bob Wright: I played computer chess today: I loaded linux on an IBM. After four hours, I won ;) rusty: here we go rusty: 1.0 SpiderChris: computer chess always beats me. i count on users making dumb mistakes, but the computer never seems to...... Bob Wright: Rusty, that is AWFULLY, uh....THIN...I guess Jose wasnt around ;) SpiderChris: haha Spider Jose: =) rusty: no, just me and my dog in those daya Dan: Yes Chris... Am on my BBS host at the moment... Dan: I cannot do CU from work.... There are security constraints. SpiderChris: Dan, tune down your settings for 28.8, they'll work alot better. Send Min 5, Send Max 25, Recv Min 5, Recv Max 28 rusty: for those who missed it.. TF Server B29 will be online this afternoon, it fixes a mime bug Bob Nunn ¥ Headgap: If you really need an ancient program how about 6485 for the commie 64. It let you push the baud rate on your 300 baud modem. Cooool. rusty: didn't that pop it upi to 460 or somthing? Bob Wright: Bob N: hahahaI have one of those old 1200 baud modems from apple which plugged straight into the wall SpiderChris: oh, i used to have one of those..... Bob Nunn ¥ Headgap: You could go faster but you would lose your connect. Dan: Am looking for those setting controls? Bob Nunn ¥ Headgap: You usually got some interesting text displayed as well. SpiderChris: Dan, in your local video window, the button on the right. choose 'local video' from participants. even though you dont have video, the window is still there rusty: Did you call get signed up on Brad's MacOS web server site? Bob Wright: I took some kids camping last weekend and we got onlinve via cellular technology. Some of us were laughing at the way the kids were connecting now compared to how we did it 10 years ago Bob Nunn ¥ Headgap: I did rusty: Camping with a 'puter and modem?!!! SpiderChris: bob w, yup we're on there... Bob Wright: yeah, we took kids out to do science experiments at Back Bay National Park, and then got online to send our data back to kids at school rusty: what happened to beers and cigars around the campfile? Bob Wright: we had the cigars and beers after 11:00...the kids were asleep ;-) Bob Nunn ¥ Headgap: They only do that in the cub scouts now. rusty: That's good. Bob Wright: haha...cub scouts ;) Dan: hehe Spider Jose: Is there a 'Bud Light' badge now? Dan: Chris I do not have a local video window... Dan: Was looking on the BBS for GTalk... Bob Wright: I need to find some cellular modems....anyone have any experience with them? Bob Nunn ¥ Headgap: My wife has one but I have not asked what we are paying for it. Bob Wright: Jose: hahah...the BUD badge ;) SpiderChris: Dan, yes you do. trust me.... you do not have to have a camera. choose 'local video' from the participants menu, that will bring up a tiny window. click in the button on the right side of that window. rusty: I brought my Newton 1.0 with me to the top of Mt. Whitney a few years back.. I had a scanned pic Bob Wright: I have been told that cellular modems are more efficient than regular modems for connections to the internet Dan: Local video is x'd but greyed out. SpiderChris: select it anyway... you will see a window that will have "Dan" as the name rusty: With the 5.5 dox, all user dox will be online, not printed Dan: Local video is not selectible... rusty: Terminal and TF User dox will be in PDF and HTML vers. rusty: The admin stuff will be printed tho. SpiderChris: Okay dan, just find the window called "Dan". it's probably already open, hidden under another menu. I promise, its there ;-) Bob Nunn ¥ Headgap: I added them to my local site to make it easy for me to look up things. I like it. It is harder to read in the John though. Guess I need a lap top. My next house is going to have at least cat 5 in every room. Dan: Beleive it or not I don't even show up in the Particiapant list (not even as hidden or lurker) Bob Nunn ¥ Headgap: Perhaps an old version? rusty: u are as "local vidoe" Bob Wright: This summer I am adding two rooms to my house and I have planned to put cat5 in those rooms as well as some wire for X10 and X11 equipment :) Dan: Found it. rusty: New homes around here have a LAN option now. Bob Wright: when the doorbell rings, I just want to reach over, look at the video and say, "go away, I am on the net!" ;-) without having to go to the door and say "I am not interested" SpiderChris: hehe..... Bob Nunn ¥ Headgap: My alarm system is all X10. Like it a lot. It calls me when it goes off. rusty: why not just let a virtual BOB do it? Bob Wright: they even have a X10 system which will feed my fish out in the fishpond :) SpiderChris: excellent dan. that should work out much better. rusty: have a vid mounted on the door Bob Nunn ¥ Headgap: I can order pizza when I leave from the office to go check it and be done eat it before the police arrive. Dan: I just adjusted the settings. rusty: nice flat screeen Bob Wright: rusty: true, maybe I could program something to interact with the people ;) rusty: yeah, like magic 8ball :) Bob Wright: haha Bob Nunn ¥ Headgap: Have a snd snippet of a 12 guage pump putting a shell in the chamber for salesmen. Bob Wright: one ring brings up one line of text, two rings another ;) Dan: How about combining the random generator to a list of NON_MS ISP's for clients connecting with exploder... (grin) Bob Wright: hahahaha....I could get a lawyer to prove that *I* did not pull the trigger ;) Bob Wright: sign on door reads: "Knock at your own risk" ;-) rusty: Ive got soem nice Marathon movies that would be good Dan: or how about "layer.spml" and connect them to "bob" rusty: Our Union 76 has vids builtin to the Pumps now. Dan: that should read "lawyer.spml" rusty: They play commercials and beg you to get a car wash Dan: Rusty. Russ Messana is having problems with virtual hosting. Can you help him out on that? rusty: wh o me? Dan: it seems that the browser is pulling up his BBS homepage rather than the users virtual site page. rusty: did he post something to the a tf conf? rusty: it could be that his browser is to o old Dan: He sent me an IM... I am double clucthing my CPU here. Dan: Made it to the Dallas showing of the new Claris stuff... Looks very good. Spider Jose: What were they showing? Dan: The Dallas "Vision = Power" show was attended by more people here than the California show. Spider Jose: cool Bob Nunn ¥ Headgap: I noticed that no one is using the CU-SeeMe 0.87b1 (PPC) version. I quit using it after the last two chats sessions locking up on me. rusty: Hi Richie rusty: Are you a TeleFinder susop? Dan: Some was pre alpha... Dan: I like the new FM Pro and Homepage. SpiderChris: bob, .87 works fine for me, but i'm using .85 because my version has some source code changes that i haven't made in .87 yet. Bob Nunn ¥ Headgap: What version of FM were you looking at? Dan: They are now web-enabling all of it, and going to put site management into homepage. Dan: They gave us all CD's with 3.0 on them, and showed us what 4.x will do. Bob Nunn ¥ Headgap: I will wait a while longer before I change back. It was trashing my geektalk prefs as well and I lost my two logs which i like to re-read through. Dan: Looks like you will no longer need Tango or Lasso. Bob Nunn ¥ Headgap: I wonder if the speed will improve? Bob Wright: Rusty: is web chatting available or going to be available soon? Spider Jose: Super do you connect to FM directly or do you need to go through a web server? rusty: Teh speed is a prob cuz of AppleEvents ,a dn FM is not threaded, it treats the web requests like interactive reqs. rusty: Yes BobW. We may need to change Chat Server, or do a web only chat rusty: There are some web only PI's out there now Dan: i think that the new FM will support threading. That was discussed. Bob Nunn ¥ Headgap: Its not horrible but you it would be nice to have a snappier reply. We are using it with Lasso for an overseas shared dbase. Dan: Scalability was a topic because of "Scalability Day" I think, rusty: :) Bob Nunn ¥ Headgap: And all this is possible thanks to TF and their forward thinking. rusty: MS made a good show with that. rusty: We are wrokgin on a User Manager PlugIn , shoudl be pretty cool Dan: The new FM has a server in it too, and I asked them if you could set it to a different port address. They confirmed that you could do that. rusty: A web intereface for UM Bob Nunn ¥ Headgap: Any news from VICOM and UM? or will that make it work? Bob Wright: supports web chats? Dan: Yippie!!! rusty: Dan, is that the Rhapsody server, or a MacOS server? rusty: Jon Pais. has a hack to make it work already! rusty: I think he's talking to them about it. Bob Wright: VCOM IG works well Bob Nunn ¥ Headgap: That would be cool now for a low priced router that handles two or three analog connections. rusty: We were going to do something similar, bnut Vicom got theire first, and Open Transport took too long. Bob Nunn ¥ Headgap: Do you think VICOM would consider setting up a multi analog connect to the net? rusty: The SoftRouter is the way to go. rusty: BN - that's what SoftRouter does. rusty: oh, wait you mean 2 or 3 modems to yuour ISP? Bob Nunn ¥ Headgap: Does that mean my isp can put up two modem connects for me. rusty: check out rusty: rusty: It wraps 3 modems into one IP connect. Bob Nunn ¥ Headgap: Yep multippp type thing. Want cheap bandwidth if I am going to allow web connects through me. rusty: its a router too Bob Nunn ¥ Headgap: Will look at it thanks. rusty: well any last q's before we wrap up? Bob Nunn ¥ Headgap: Guess I better get back to it. I will send you my logs before I go off on vacation. WIll try out your suggestions. Thanks and probably see you next week from the house this time. rusty: c ya!