Text of TeleFinder Chat from Friday, December 16, 1997 11 AM PST.

In attendance:

From Spider Island: Rusty Tucker was out

Sysops: Jim Smith, Bob Nunn, Michael Davidson, Don McHose, mikael fredriksson, Kevin Shearon, Bill Gram-Reefer

Jim Smith: <<joined the chat>>

Bob Nunn: <<joined the chat>>

Donald McHose: <<joined the chat>>

Donald McHose: Happy Holidays ya'll ;-)

Michael Davidson: <<joined the chat>>

Michael Davidson: Hello Jim, Bob, Donald

Donald McHose: Hi Michael how are things ?

Bob Nunn: Hey

Michael Davidson: Busy busy buys

Donald McHose: Well our T-1 lasted a day but it was nice to see TF cook.

Michael Davidson: just a day?

Donald McHose: Its a county/telephone co. problem.Its out of my hands

Bob Nunn: Jim what did you ever do about your last 1710?

Jim Smith: It's in for repair!

Michael Davidson: Any important stuff been happening...I've missed a bunch of the last chats

Bob Wright: <<joined the chat>>

Bob Nunn: You can now pay for your OAT and HDS program through Kagi and get your permanent serial number

Bob Nunn: I sent my payment in Sunday, got confirm Monday, and my Serial number today.

Michael Davidson: What's the HDS program (I told you I've been absent lately :) )

Donald McHose: How are the last releases doing? Any reported problems?

Bob Nunn: Allows advanced web mail via your tf server.

Michael Davidson: the PI from Jonathan and Ken?

Donald McHose: ah yup

Bob Nunn: I have been using the latest for a while now. THE HDS mail is perfect. OAT I only use part of the features but they have been solid for the last few versions. Yes HDS is a PI from Highlander

Michael Davidson: What does the H, the D, and the S stand for then

Donald McHose: Fantastic I can't wait to load it up.

Bob Nunn: Highlander Data Systems Mail?

Donald McHose: that's as good as any

Bob Nunn: Ken says they are releasing a WebStar version soon, but the TF version will continue to be superior due to Mail Server.

Michael Davidson: cool

Kevin Shearon: <<joined the chat>>

Michael Davidson: Jim, any more progress on Popsicle? I'm ready for the final beta version!

Jim Smith: MD: it's complete, just need to work on doc.!

Jim Smith: Thinking of adding to it and make program call Pop2top.

mikael fredriksson: <<joined the chat>>

Bob Nunn: Hey mikael, have you heard anything about the release of 8.1. I was under the impression it would be in December?

mikael fredriksson: Hi!

Michael Davidson: <<left the chat>>

Kevin Shearon: <<left the chat>>

Donald McHose: Dec. will be a net downloadable release.the C.D is supposed to be out in late Jan. $90.00 is the rumor

mikael fredriksson: I think it will be on their FTP in the end of December and on CD in January

Kevin Shearon: <<joined the chat>>

Jim Smith: Apple likes to release thing at MacWorld, maybe 8.1 *)

Jim Smith: Apple has stop FTP seeding :(

mikael fredriksson: I use on my work computer 8.1b5 stable and fast and i like HFS+

Bob Nunn: I am hurting for drive space and am thinking the 8.1 would be help with these big drives and big blocks. Would be good project for vacation during holidays (reformatting).

mikael fredriksson: I saved 500 MB on my work mac with a 2 GB HD

Donald McHose: Is there a speed hit on the hard drive? HFS+ I mean?

Bill Gram-Reefer: <<joined the chat>>

Bill Gram-Reefer: it's a FREAK

Jim Smith: Where is Rusty today?

Bob Nunn: I have two 3.2 and a 2.0 drive that are getting full. It should be like getting another 1 gig drive or so for me as well. Hopefully more.

mikael fredriksson: He's out of town

Donald McHose: What's a FREAK?

mikael fredriksson: Its bill ;-)

Bill Gram-Reefer: RT's term for "final candidate" for a release of 5.6

Bob Wright: FREAK -- a woman built to say yes ;)

Bob Wright: now THAT'S a FREAK ;0

Donald McHose: AH YUP.I can't wait to run it soon.

Bob Wright: I am surprised RT does not spell it PHreak ;)

Bob Nunn: Looks like its done to me. Guess he will continue to work on the docs.

Bill Gram-Reefer: so I just installed a Global Village flex 56 for my TCP gateway and it isn't that much faster

Donald McHose: <<left the chat>>

mikael fredriksson: Docs are in the Beta Spider Wares folder

mikael fredriksson: (its the real thing)

Bob Nunn: I was thinking along the lines of the web docs etc. I pulled the updated Admin today. I was going to print them out this week when things slow down. 171 pages.

Bob Nunn: It's either that or get a system in the bathroom. Can't do any real thinking at my system.

Bob Wright: Hmm...that's an idea BN, I just put a NT network in my house...I did not think about wiring the bathroom ;)

Bob Wright: Maybe I could install a QuickCam and see what takes my wife so long to get dressed ;)

Bob Nunn: Would like a G3 laptop in there.

Jim Smith: That would be a good place for the AV1710, it's good for sh.t.

Bill Gram-Reefer: Speaking of G3 so should I get a G3 or get one of the new upgrade cards from Newer for $500 to upgrade my 6100?

Kevin Shearon: <<left the chat>>

mikael fredriksson: We have G3 mac in stock at work but its here in Gothenburg Sweden ...

Bob Nunn: Club Mac has a few in stock the other day.

Jim Smith: BN: ISDN?

Bob Nunn: They promise by this Friday???

Bob Wright: mikael: is it true that is Sweden a tree and goat gets decorated for Christmas?

Bill Gram-Reefer: It's really a time issue for me. If I buy a new computer it turns into horsing around with 3 computers as I would decommission Centris, put TF on 6100 and use G3 at desk. Not the way I want to spend Xmas.

Jim Smith: Maybe that why is so cheep in TN :)

Bob Nunn: They say that. Big demand. While the problems are solved they are waiting on parts.

Bob Wright: I ordered my ISDN and it was installed two weeks later

Jim Smith: I have a Centris 650 w/ a PPC, and have notice that sometime a logon to TFS will timeout, modem, maybe it's time to replace it?

Bob Wright: BN: I have been thinking about your statement last week (i.e. things tend to slow down on the mac and I might need to restart.)

Bob Nunn: Am tied up. BRB

Bob Wright: BN: When I change the web settings, I notice it takes a bit of time to quit the web server and restart...could this be an example of what you were discussing with me?

mikael fredriksson: The web server has to wait for open TCP/IP connections to close

Bob Wright: Ahh.....ok, Thanks.

Jim Smith: <<left the chat>>

Bob Wright: BN is busy today

Bob Nunn: Sorry guys will be a while longer. Continue without me for now.

Bill Gram-Reefer: MF give us a topic

Bob Nunn: Was hoping Ken would show up now that people are starting to pay him

Bill Gram-Reefer: happy holidaze, guys, gotts to go, bye

Bill Gram-Reefer: <<left the chat>>

Bob Nunn: Probably ought to call it a day. What do you think?

Bob Wright: yep

Bob Wright: have a good week. See ya later

Bob Wright: <<left the chat>>

Bob Nunn: See ya Friday. Rusty back?? Bye

December 16, 1997 -- ©Copyright 1997, Spider Island Software