Create Your Own Sherlock PI!

by Bob Nunn - Operator Headgap Systems


Your site has to have a search engine installed on it. If you are running my TFAppleEGSearch.sea (click the link to download) and haven't radically modified it, you can take my Sherlock PI (Headgap.src.sea) and simply use ResEdit to change out the icon to one that you prefer. Then open the file with BBEDIT and simply change out my IP address and other references to Headgap to yours. Save the change and make sure that the file type is issp and the file creator is fndf (ResEdit again). Change the vers to credit yourself instead of me.

 Editing sherlock plug-in using resedit
These are the areas you will be editing using ResEdit

This is what the code looks like when you bring it up in BBEDIT.
# Operator Headgap Search Plugin for Sherlock, Mac OS 8.5
name = "Operator Headgap"
action = ""
update = ""
updateCheckDays = 30
description = "Searches the Operator Headgap web resources."
method = post
<input name = "Query_netscape" user>
<input name = "Netscape1.1" value = "Search with results in table format">
<input name = "num_hits_to_show" value = "50">
resultListStart = "</TH><TH align=left>More</TH></TR>"
resultListEnd = "</TABLE>"

resultItemStart = 'src="0.GIF">'
resultItemEnd = "<BR>&nbsp;</TD>"

bannerStart = "<CENTER>"
bannerEnd = "<BR></CENTER>"
You will also need to create your update and have it available. You simply create a non-compressed .hqx file. I used HQXer but you can use Stuffit with the compression turned of to created an .hqx file. Sherlock doesn't understand compression. This will allow Sherlock to automatically update your users plug-in.
I have resources available and my working search engine available at:
If you have any trouble, drop me a note. I think part of doing one of these is artistic rather than logical. It took me a while to figure out how to get the banner to display and to start and stop the list of information. One thing I finally figured out. The result start and stops are just unique references to html on your page. I used BBEDIT's find feature to insure I have a unique group of characters selected. Yours will work straight up if you followed my instructions and are using the TFAppleEGsearch I set up with the minor mods I recommended. Good Luck with yours.
Bob Nunn - Operator Headgap Web BBS port1474

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