The echo command displays following variables to the browser as HTML within a page.ADDRESS - Client's TCP-IP address.COUNT - The recorded hit count for this page ( see count command ).
DATE_LOCAL - local date and time
DOCUMENT_NAME - The name of the requested page displayed as text.
DOCUMENT_URI - The URL Encoded location of the page as provided in the URL (same as LOCATION ).
DIRNAME - The name of the requested directory, or the name of the directory containing the requested file.
FROM - "From" header if supplied by browser ( usually blank ).
FormFieldName - The contents of any Form Field.
HeaderName - The contents of any Request Header.
LOCATION - The location of the page as provided in the URL.
LAST_MODIFIED - Last modified date and time of current page.
PARENT_DIRNAME - The name of the directory containing the requested file or directory.
PARENT_LOCATION - The location of the page or directory's parent as provided in the URL.
PATH_ARGS - The contents of the CGI Path Arguments from the request. The Path Arguments is an optional part of a URL that follows the "$".
QUERY_STRING - Displays the "CGI" query string. The query string is an optional part of a URL that follows the "?".
RANDOM - The current random number value.
REFERER - page user came from.
SERVER_NAME - Domain name requested, or the name assigned to the server or thread.
SERVER_HITS - Total number of requests handled by the server since it was started.
SERVER_PORT - The TCP-IP port number the request was received on, 80 by default.
SERVER_SOFTWARE - "TeleFinder v5.7"
SERVER_STARTED - The date and time the server was booted.
TIMESTAMP - The date and time in log format.
USER_AGENT - Browser name string.
USER_NAME - The user's name if page is in "Realm."
UserDefnedVariables - Any User defined variable. See the set command.
You are visitor <!-- #echo var="COUNT"-->!This displays the pages "hit count" variable as text.
You are visitor 1000!