The topic_list_msg is a powerful and complex command used by the "topic.spml" template page. It can create links to specific messages within a topic, or display information in a specific message.When the topic_list_msg command is run, is looks for the "which" and/or "msg_id" parameter passed in the request so that it can determine if it should display information from a selection of messages, or a specific message in the topic.
Note: The parameters used by topic_list_msg are generated automatically by other Active Page commands. You'll rarely need to encode them yourself.
which paramter
The dir_list command uses "which=all" to display links of up to "topic_num_to_list_default" number of messages in a topic. See config for information on setting the topic_num_to_list_default variable.If the value of the which parameter is "all," the selection of mesages can be alterered by two other form field parameters: "num" and "start." These must be passed to the Active Page within the request as generated by the topic_prev_group and topic_next_group commands.
num parameter
The num parameter controls the number of messages listed, effectively over-riding the topic_num_to_list_default variable. The start parameter controls thestart parameter
The start parameter controls the message at which the topic_list_msg begins its listing. By default, the topic_list_msg command besins its list at the last mesasge in the topic.
msg_id paramter
The other "which" variations require an additional "msg_id" (Message ID) parameter. The Message ID is an internal reference number for TeleFinder, and is generated for you by the THIS_URL, NEXT_URL, and PREV_URL items.If "which=this" then TeleFinder displays the message identified by the msg_id parameter.If "which=next" then TeleFinder displays the message following the one identified by the msg_id parameter.
If "which=prev" then TeleFinder displays the message previous to the one identified by the msg_id parameter.
Valid Variables for topic_list_msg
For each requested item, the following parameters generate HTML for a given message.
AUTHOR - The name or e-mail address of the person who posted the message.RECIPIENT - The name or e-mail address of the person the message was addressed to.
SUBJECT - The subject of the message.
POST_DATE - The date and time the message was posted.
PREV_URL - A link to the previous message in the topic.
NEXT_URL - A link to the next message in the topic.
THIS_URL - A link to the this message.
MSG_BODY - The body of the message.
MSG_NUMBER - The internal message number.
"" -- any quoted text/html.
This is the result of the topic_list_msg command in the "topic.spml" template file when displaying a single message. This template file is located in the "Web Space:Templates" folder.