Miscellaneous Gateways
This section describes the use of Mail Servers other Gateway types
Using RFC822 Gateways
Mail Server can exchange messages with any type of external mail system. An external mail system is a mail system that is not built into Mail Server, but made possible through other software.
Mail Server has a general gateway called "RFC822". This gateway can be used by third-party developers to work with Mail Server. This section will discuss setting up an RFC822 gateway for use with unspecified third party software.
There are also three variations of the RFC822 gateway; NNTP Sucker, Lollipop, and MacKennel. These are discussed at the end of this section.
If you have not done so, see the previous section, "Setting the Server Identity" for information on how to configure your domain name that will be used with the SMTP gateway.
Installing the RFC822 Gateway
• Select the "Gateways" command from the "Server" menu. This opens the "Gateways" window.
• Click in the "Add" button. This opens the "Gateway Type" window.• Select "RFC822" from the "Type" pop-up menu. Then click in the "OK" button. This opens the "Gateway Edit" window.• Enter a name for this gateway. Check the documentation for the third party software to determine if the specific name is important.
• Turn ON the checkbox "Default gateway" if this gateway will handle delivering e-mail to the Internet. Otherwise leave it turned OFF.
• Select your domain from the "Outgoing Domain" pop-up menu if required by the third-party gateway. Select "None" otherwise.
If this gateway has domains associated with it to deliver e-mail, specify them in the next two steps. Otherwise, move on to "Configuring the RFC822 Gateway."
• Click in the "Add" button to enter the Gateway's full domain name to the list. This opens the "Domain Edit" window. Enter your Hub's full domain name into the name text box.
• Click in the "Save" button to add this domain to the list. Your window should look like the window below:Configuring the RFC822 Gateway
• Click in the "Options" button in the "Gateway Edit" window.
• This window will have settings for the character set, word wrapping, message type, and whether the specified gateway supports file attachments. See the documentation for the third party software to determine what settings to use here.
NNTP Sucker Info
NNTP Sucker is a shareware application that imports USENET newsgroups from the Internet. See NNTP Sucker's documentation for details.
To use NNTP Sucker with Mail Server, follow the previous steps for using the RFC822 gateway, but instead of installing the gateway of type "RFC822", choose "NNTP Sucker." Since NNTP Sucker is a topics-only gateway, the settings specific to e-mail have been removed from the "Gateway Edit" window. A sample configuration is shown below:
For the name of this gateway, it is recommended that you choose "NNTP News."
The following steps discuss how to configure NNTP Sucker for use with Mail Server.
• Subscribe to USENET newsgroups per NNTP Sucker's documentation.
• Launch the NNTP Sucker application.
• Select the "Setup" command from the "File" menu. This will open the "NNTP SETUP" window.
• Enter in your NNTP server's address in the "NNTP Server" text box.
•Click the "Quit Once Done" radio button.
•Turn ON the "Interactive Operation" checkbox. This option will present dialog boxes if NNTP Sucker should need immediate attention.
• Do NOT enter in any of the "Pancake Specific" information.
• Click on the "Spool Path" text box. This will give you a dialog box asking you to select a spool folder.
• Select the "NNTP News" folder in Mail Server's "Gateway Spool" folder. Click the "Select" button to choose that folder. You will then return to the "NNTP Setup" window.
• Click the "Ok" button to save your settings.
A schedule item should be created to launch the "NNTP Sucker" application periodically to perform the transfer of messages to and from the server. See the section "Scheduling" later in this document for information on how to create a schedule item.
Lollipop Info
Lollipop is an application that imports and exports USENET Newsgroups from the Internet. See Lollipop's documentation for details.
To use Lollipop with Mail Server, follow the previous steps for using the RFC822 gateway, but instead of installing the gateway of type "RFC822", choose "Lollipop." Since Lollipop is a topics-only gateway, the settings specific to e-mail have been removed from the "Gateway Edit" window. A sample configuration is shown below:
For the name of this gateway, it is recommended that you choose "Lollipop."
MacKennel Info
MacKennel is a FidoNet gateway. It lets users send and receive netmail and echomail from FidoNet. Mail Server lets you send mail to FidoNet by recognizing a form of FidoNet addresses on the To line.
For example, a user might be named John Smith, with a FidoNet address of 1:55/22. To send mail to this person, enter the name as "John_Smith@1:55/22.fidonet". Here is a sample message:
The ".fidonet" part of the message tells Mail Server that this message will be sent to MacKennel. Before sending the message to MacKennel, the rest of the address is converted to the proper format for MacKennel.
To use MacKennel with Mail Server, follow the previous steps for using the RFC822 gateway, but instead of installing the gateway of type "RFC822", choose "MacKennel." A sample configuration is shown below:
For the name of this gateway, it is recommended that you choose "FidoNet." In the Domains list, you should have a single entry: "fidonet". You do not need to specify any local domains in the "Server Identity" window.