Using Multi-User Chat

Multi-User chat provides allows users to participate in chat rooms where many users can chat together.
Chat rooms appear in your BBS Desktop window just like other areas of the BBS do. The "Chat Room" icon above shows the default icon for chat rooms. Sysops can assign any icon to a chat room.
This is the chat room window. Messages you enter appear along with the messages from users in the room. You can enter up to 1K of text to send in this window. The "In" and "Out" status lines show you when users enter and leave the room. 

To send a message, type text into the window. All typed characters will appear in the lower half of the window. Click in the "Send" button to send the text. Your message will appear in the upper half of the message, just as other users will see it. Messages typed by other users will also appear in the upper half of the window.