Using BBS Find File

BBS Find File quickly searches selected parts of the BBS for a file. Select the "BBS Find File" command from the Special menu. TeleFinder opens the window below.


Starting a Search

• Select the part of the BBS you want to search from the "Search" pop-up menu. Every BBS icon that you have access to appears in this menu.

• Choose the "Name Contains" option if you know part of the name of the file that you are looking for. Enter the part you know in the field to the right of the menu. If you enter partial strings ( ie: Tele Demo ) the file's name matches when it contains both strings ( ie: TeleFinder Demo would match, TeleFinder.cpt would not )

• Choose the type of item you are looking for.


• Enter date criteria when you are looking for new files, old files, or files last modified on a separate date. Choose "any date" to broaden the search to include more possible matches.

• Click in the "Find" button to begin the search.


TeleFinder builds a list of the files and folders it finds.



Working with Found Files

Once the search is complete, you can open, and get information about, the files TeleFinder finds.

• Select a file or folder from the list.

• Click in the Open button to display e-mail, text, graphics and message topics. If TeleFinder cannot display the type of file selected in the list, the Open button will display the Info window.

• Click in the Receive button to begin the transfer of the selected file to your Macintosh.



Wild Card Searching

TeleFinder also supports searches using wild cards (*). This lets you find all the files of a given type ( file extension like "*.html" ). You can also search for files whose names begin and end with specific characters. ("Web*.log").

• Choose the "Matches" from "the file" popup menu.

• Enter the wild card search string in the field. Enter an asterisk in the string to permit a match of any sequence of characters.

• Select the other search criteria to refine the search, then click in the Finder button to begin the search.