-Your Partners in Vegetation Management

Weed Control

A Growing Problem With A Simple Solution
Before You're Overgrown With Weeds, Let BareSpot® And Take Over

Controlling weeds can be a complex problem. Hand labor, using mechanical devices, costs a lot of time and money and provides only temporary relief. And the use of inferior weed control products often produces similar results. Also, liquid spray herbicides can drift from the area of application and damage or kill desirable plants in adjoining areas.

Not only are weeds costly to eliminate by hand, they can be even more expensive if ignored. They cause economic damage through accidents and increased loss of tools. Weeds also produce acids that decay wood and corrode expensive metal products such as fences, buildings, pipes and storage tanks. Furthermore, weeds are a potential fire hazard, and they mar the appearance of your property.

The simple solution to your weed control problem is the BareSpot line or nonselective, residual herbicides.

Easy to Apply

One quick, easy application of BareSpot or provides season-long residual control of unwanted weeds and grasses.

The granules or pellets will readily dissolve, even a light morning dew will hasten solubility and the movement into the soil. A light rainfall or sprinkling is required to move the material into the root zone. Once in the root zone, the active ingredients are absorbed by the plant, causing it to turn brown. Root pruning also takes place. Smaller, succulent weeds are affected first; larger plants will yellow and turn brown at the tips as growth stops. Within days, the foliage and root systems of weeds and grasses die. A residual barrier remains active in the upper soil to control later-germinating seedlings.

CAUTION: Do not apply near root zones of desirable plants.

Always read and follow label directions.

All four products contain Sodium Chlorate and Sodium Metaborate which provides fast kill of many weeds plus residual weed control activity. Diuron in Weed & Grass, the Bromacil in Ureabor and the combination of both Diuron & Bromacil in imparts added residual weed control activity.

Sodium Chlorate - Provides quick knockdown of many weeds. It is a white, crystalline salt that looks like common table salt (Sodium Chloride). Weight for weight, however, Sodium Chlorate is 30-50 times more toxic to plants than Sodium Chloride.

Sodium Metaborate - Imparts residual weed control activity. Furthermore, Sodium Metaborate - also a white crystalline salt - acts as a fire retardant. It is also toxic to soil microorganisms, extending the residual activity of the product.

Diuron - Broad spectrum, pre-emergent herbicide, low in solubility and remains in the top 1-2 inches of soil to control annual grasses and weeds.

Bromacil - Extremely effective broad spectrum, non-selective herbicide. Moderate solubility allows it to move down in the soil to effectively control deeply rooted perennial and woody plants.


controls both weeds and grasses, killing existing vegetation and providing a short-season residual control. Monobor-Chlorate may be used by the homeowner and grounds maintenance personell. It is also suitable for industrial weed control and is used extensively under .

BareSpot Weed & Grass provides fast knockdown of existing vegetation and extended residual control. Best results are obtained when applied immediately prior to emergence or when weeds are young and succulent. Weed & Grass is particularly good for extending the residual control of later-germinating seedlings.


BareSpot Ureabor provides fast knockdown of existing vegetation and leaves a residual barrier to keep weed growth down during the growing season. It may be used year round, but best results are obtained when applied immediately prior to emergence or when weeds are young and succulent.

Ureabor is extremely effective on areas with a long growing season and soils high in organic matter. It is also well suited for controlling annuals and deep-rooted, hard-to-kill perennials.

CAUTION: Ureabor can move in the soil, so it should be applied carefully. Do not use Ureabor near desirable plants or where it could leach into water. When using Ureabor, pay special attention to any local restrictions regarding the use of Bromacil-containing products.


BareGround BD is a unique combination of both Sodium Chlorate and Sodium Metaborate with Diuron and Bromacil. This potent 4-way combination provides a fast burndown of existing vegetation plus season-long (up to one year) residual control of both shallow and deep rooted annuals, perennials and wood plants. BareGround BD with its four active ingredients is one of the most dependable vegetation control herbicides available.

CAUTION: can move in the soil, so it should be applied carefully. Do not use BareGround BD near desirable plants or where it could leach into water. When using BareGround BD, pay special attention to any local restrictions regarding the use of Bromacil-containing products.


Meet All of Your Application Needs

Pro-Serve's nonselective, residual herbicides give you easy, effective and unsurpassed control of unwanted vegetation in most situations.

Monobor-Chlorate, Weed & Grass, Ureabor - and are especially suited for use around or near the following:

Industrial Usage

Homeowner ( Monobor Chlorate Only)

  • Asphalt and gravel driveways
  • Parking areas
  • Ditch banks
  • Cemeteries
  • Fence lines
  • Storage yards
  • Oil and gas pipelines
  • Utility poles and substations
  • Under and concrete
  • Around fuel tanks
  • Under bleachers
  • Outbuildings
  • Lumber yards
  • Sign posts
  • Railroad sidings
  • Oil refineries
  • Airports
  • Waste lagoons
  • Helo-pads
  • Vacant lots 
  • Patios
  • Buildings
  • Fence Lines
  • Sidewalks & Walkways
  • Gravel driveways
  • Wooden decks


The BareSpot And BareGround BD Advantage


The advantages of BareSpot products and are many:

  • Dependable.
  • Economical.
  • Nonselective.
  • Contact plus long soil residual. BareSpot and BareGround BD work on contact and provide a residual barrier in the soil.
  • Safe-to-use. BareSpot and BareGround BD have a low mammalian toxicity.
  • No drift. Because they're granular or pelleted, there's no danger of drift to desirable vegetation.
  • Quick knockdown.
  • Full-season control.
  • Apply any time (follow by rain or irrigation).
  • Easy to apply. Because the application rate is visible, the easy-to-see pellets eliminate skips and misses so there is no guesswork involved.

BareSpot and BareGround BD remove undesirable vegetation quickly, safely and economically.

So get to the root of your weed control problems with BareSpot and BareGround BD products.


Always read and follow label instructions.



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