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From: headgap
Subject: CD's offline
Date:Sat, February 28, 1998 12:11 PM

I am having a bit of trouble right now and will continue to leave the CD's offline for a while. If you need something particular let me know and I will put up via the internal CD anything that I had up before.

With the faster net access I think the CD Jukebox I am running is causing conflicts. I was getting odd errors and alias errors until I pulled it off. It seems to have stabilized now.

I am in the process of either purchasing an 8.4 or 6.4 Quantum Fireball, which I will use to copy the CD's onto HD for faster browsing and access. There is always a good bit of anxilliary and duplicate files on the CD's and I don't think I will have any trouble putting all 8 of the existing CD materials plus more that I have laying around. It should spiff up the file area and will certainly stop the delay in accessing each directory.

The hold up is the 8.1 and the HFS+. I only want to do this once and the new formatting will be important so that I may get everything to fit properly.

I may experiment with the smaller block sizes on the partitions that contain the conferences and newsgroups since the files are so small. It may be worthwhile sacrificing a small amount of speed for increased capacity. I had hoped we would have the option of formatting different partitions different block sizes.

I just received a Power 120 Tower that I bought for $399. It came stripped, but I am using part of the ram and other equipment for my Quadra to make up my new second system. Got it from if you are interested. Has the PDS slot that will allow the G3 upgrade down the road as well.

I will sell my custom Quadra 40mhz Tower with heavy duty power supply, 20 meg of ram, 2xCD, 2.1 Gig HD, Keyboard and Mouse for $450.

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