Active Concepts' provides a range of powerful Web Intelligence and analysis solutions designed tohelp you understand your Internet, Intranet and Extranet systems. Funnel Web provides comprehensive reports to give you access to valuable feedback on your on-line activity.
  • Discover the most popular pages on your site
  • Reveal sales leads and potential target audiences
  • Identify individual visitors' pathway through your site
  • Measure your Web site's global market penetration
  • Examine the impact of your site and visitors to your site
  • Optimize server performance and Web site delivery
  • Make informed business decisions based on customer demographics and behavior patterns

Funnel Web 4

This efficient Web reporting tool is ideal for small to medium businesses delivering e-Commerce services or online education who want to optimize the effectiveness of their online investment. Funnel Web 4.0 gives insight into everything from server load to customer buying patterns and Intranet activity. It allows you to gain essential feedback on visitor behavior and preferences so you can customize your site to meet your clients needs.

Distinguishing features of Funnel Web 4.0

  • Point and click interface makes analysis simple
  • Incremental analysis saves time when processing large log files
  • Seamless integration with any Web server
  • Available for Windows and Mac
  • Deployed on the desktop or as a server application
  • Fully automated scheduling for unattended report generation
  • Built-in archiving, compression and notification
  • Ideal for small to medium Web sites (up to 5 million hits
  • per log or session)
  • Perfect for simple e-Commerce Web sites and online training sites

Funnel Web 4.0 is a fast and accurate reporting tool designed to profile your site's traffic and measure server performance.


Funnel Web Enterprise

Its robust feature set and advanced functionality make Enterprise an essential tool for medium to large sized corporate Web sites, ISPs, Intranets and Extranets.

Distinguishing features of Funnel Web Enterprise

  • Analyzes the effectiveness of your Web sites streaming media content
  • Cluster analysis to track customers by session across multiple servers
  • Advertising analysis to calculate the return on investment for online advertising campaigns
  • Seamless integration with any Web server
  • Deployed on the desktop or as a server application
  • Fully automated scheduling for unattended report generation
  • Built-in archiving, compression and notification
  • Ideal for medium to large Web sites (up to 20 million hits per log or session)
  • Perfect for monitoring medium to large sized e-Commerce Web sites ,Intranets and Extranets

Funnel Web Enterprise is the complete Web site monitoring and e-Business analysis solution designed for companies demanding accurate and detailed statistics on their online investments.


System Requirements


MacOS 7.6 or greater
Power PC only
8bit video
10MB Hard Drive


WIN 95/98/2000/NT
486 or above
8bit video
10MB Hard Drive


Linux OS 2.2 or greater
486 or above
8bit video
10MB Hard Drive


Solaris OS 7.0 or greater
486 or above
8bit video
10MB Hard Drive


Free BSD OS 3.0 or greater
486 or above
8bit video
10MB Hard Drive



  • Hourly
  • Hourly History
  • Daily
  • Weekly
  • Monthly


  • Errors
  • Errors History
  • Failed URLs
  • Failed URLs History
  • Demographics
  • Clients
  • Click Stream *
  • Authenticated Users
  • Authenticated Users


  • Domains
  • Countries
  • World Regions
  • Organizations
  • Session Distribution
  • Spiders


  • Pages
  • Pages History
  • Entry Pages
  • Entry Pages History
  • Exit Pages
  • Exit Pages History
  • Directories
  • Top Level Directories
  • Top Level Directories


  • URLs
  • Downloads
  • Downloads History
  • File Types
  • Mean Path
  • Content Groups
  • Content Groups


  • Referrals URLs
  • Referral Sites
  • Referrals Sites
  • History
  • Search Engines
  • Search Strings


  • Media Players *
  • Audio Players *
  • Video Streams *
  • Media Types *


  • Browsers
  • Operating Systems


  • Impressions *
  • Impressions History *
  • Campaigns *
  • Campaigns History *


  • Circulation
  • Loyalty
  • Time Online


Funnel Web 4.0 Reports
*Enterprise only

To see my live Funnel Web Enterprise Reports click here. Product is available at:

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