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TeleFinder CDTeleFinder Server is a package that gives you everything you need to set up a complete Internet site for your business, schools, or organizations.

Use TeleFinder to keep in touch with off-site colleagues, clients, and friends. TeleFinder's Mail and Public Message areas provide quick and easy communication. Quick file transfers let you share and distribute important data quickly.

Each TeleFinder package includes all the software you need to set up and maintain your BBS, mail, and Web site. Every TeleFinder Server includes graphical client software for Macintosh and Windows that you can freely distribute to all the users of your BBS.

TF5.7's Web Server is optimized for Open Transport 2.0 and later, and is now capable of serving in excess of 17 million requests per day. TeleFinder v5.7 also adds new options available in the Active Pages (SPML) including sorting of directory listings and support for the CGI "Query String" parameter. Telefinder is also WSAPI 1.2 compliant which means you can use almost all of the Plug Ins that work with WebStar or Quid Pro Quo. Read about the Plug-Ins that are included with TeleFinder that many others charge for.

The Web Server also prevents "dead listeners" by monitoring the state of the TCP-IP link and resetting TCP-IP when it detects a failed link. The server's log can now be rolled over on a predefined interval.

FREE v5.7.2 Graphical Client Software! Mac & Windows Software available here.

Yes the TeleFinder Mac Client works in OSX classic mode with TCP/IP. We use it daily. OSX does break the dialup portion.

There are presently no plans to migrate the server or the client to OSX.

To purchase these items call 1-405-601-5288 m9-6 M-F,

New Server v5.7.4 Now Available! This upgrades the web server to work with the latest versions of web browsers. We are very pleased to be able to offer HDS Mail and Online Assistant for TeleFinder! See the news for more information.

See the pricelist for product information!

Operator Headgap Systems, Inc. is the distributor of TeleFinder Software. If we can be of assistance feel free to Contact Us.

Looking to improve your site traffic? I write a regular column for a local magazine WWWDOT. Read my latest suggestions from the Press Release pages.

Headgap Systems now has an online store offering software, new and used hardware, We have a selection of systems that make perfect TeleFinder Servers! Let us build a custom server for you!Visit

TeleFinder - the best MacOS Web Server & BBS! These resources contains full documentation & other valuable information about using TeleFinder. View the Internet Server Administrators Guide 5.7 to learn more about TeleFinder Server 5.7. See how easy TeleFinder is to set up by reviewing the Quickstart Guide.

Operator Headgap is running TeleFinder 5.7.4! BBS/Web/Mail Server Program (the Fastest MacOS Web Server) from Spider Island Software!

See the TeleFinder Pricelist. Upgrade your old version today for only $99! Upgrade from Webstar or First Class for $99.

There are presently no plans to migrate the server or the client to OSX.

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