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FREE support for Mac, Amiga, Commodore 64 & 128 Computers! Online over 15 years! Updated Download Area & 8 CD Library - AMUG CD's, Info-Mac, Gif's Galore & the Ultimate Mod Collection on hard drive for fast access! Other system feature include a huge information library, and an easy to use newsgroup selection & message bases. Preview how the bbs appears with the graphic client. Go to the web bbs page.
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TeleFinder the Best Mac OS Web Server! You too can run a MacOS based Web Server and BBS. You can order product right online with our secure online store! A low cost hobby license is available. provides full support for anyone using TeleFinder and associated products. The TeleFinder Mac client runs under OSX in classic mode over TCP/IP. Telefinder PC User runs on XP.

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