Active Pages - SPML - SSI

TeleFinder's Web Server allows users to create dynamic pages which can selectively provide information to clients on the fly, setup file downloading, manipulate forms data, perform custom logging and more.

Active Pages are created using TeleFinder's Server Parsed HTML (SPML) commands which includes the well-known NCSA/Netscape/Apache Server Side Include (SSI ) command set, plus a number of very powerful extended commands. 


Sample pages can be found in Web Space/samples/. Command documentation is on the disk in the "Web Space/webdocs/" directory. 

Active Page Performance Issues

SPML involves a small amount of parsing overhead, and should be used in place of Plug-in/CGI and external scripting systems whenever possible.

TeleFinder's file caching speeds up SPML performance by retaining the SPML source in memory where it can be quickly parsed.


SPML Setup

TeleFinder has built-in recognition of the ".spml" and ".spm" file extensions and will parse them as Active Pages automatically. Other file types can be interpreted as Active Pages as well, see "Request Handlers" for more information on assigning a handler to a file type. 

The default page may have a ".spml" or ".spm" file extension. The file type search order is ".spml", ".html", ".spm" and finally ".htm." These types are combined with the Server's Default Page name. 

TeleFinder's error pages must have the ".spml" file type.

SPML Include File Format

The document is parsed as an HTML document, with special commands embedded as comments. A command has the


<!-- #command param="value1" param="value2" ... --> or,

<!-- #command "value1" "value2" ... -->


  1. The values should be enclosed in double quotes.
  2. Quoting is necessary if the value contains embedded spaces.  
  3. Many commands only allow a single attribute-value pair.  
  4. Commands and parameters are case-sensitive



Web Docs Index

May 14, 1997 -- ©Copyright 1997, Spider Island Software